Python in Astronomy Workshop 2015

Eric Jeschke ( is the head of the Software Division at Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.   Python in Astronomy 2015 Workshop Participants. Photo by Peter Teuben. The Python in Astronomy 2015 workshop was held from 20-24th April 2015 at the Lorentz Center, Leiden University, in the Netherlands. With a goal of mixing [...]

Find-a-team, find-an-expert networking for WFIRST

As a community service, we here at AstroBetter would like to help you form teams that will compete for slots on the WFIRST Formulation Science Working Group.   The solicitation focuses on teams rather than individuals.  It’s not clear to us how experts in certain specialties are supposed to learn what teams are forming, or how [...]

Crowdsourcing Open Astrophysics Texts for Everyone

Michael Zingale is a computational astrophysicist who enjoys blowing up stars and working on new algorithms to enable these simulations.  He is an Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University on Long Island, NY. Many of us have written notes for our classes or have searched online for notes written by our [...]

Alberto Accomazzi (@aaccomazzi) is the Program Manager of the NASA Astrophysics Data System based at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a tool for finding astronomy and planetary science publications. ADS currently has three different interfaces: ADS “Classic” — the one you all know and love, ADS “Labs” or “2.0” [...]

Why should I use Authorea to write my papers?

Matteo Cantiello is a theoretical astrophysicist at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and Authorea’s Chief Scientist. I am aware that a while back a lot of astronomers have tried out writing their research articles on Authorea, a web-based collaborative writing platform. Some were disappointed by the lack of certain advanced LaTeX features (e.g., deluxetables, [...]

Brian Kent is an associate scientist with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory working on pipeline software for VLA and ALMA, and has interests in galaxy surveys, dynamics, and 3D graphics and visualization. A new book published by IOP is now available entitled “3D Scientific Visualization with Blender.” This work is written for a broad scientific [...]

Angelle Tanner is an assistant professor at Mississippi State University with interests in multiple methods of exoplanet detection and characterization. Situation 1:You make a preliminary list of target stars using SIMBAD and then follow up with a tedious search through Vizier and individual papers for all the additional observational data you need to motivate a [...]

Fabric Conference Posters FTW!

Emily Rice is an assistant professor at the College of Staten Island and a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History. She is also responsible for those parody songs that get stuck in your head. Dearest Colleagues, I have printed my last paper conference poster and carried my last poster tube. Forsooth I [...]

During AAS225 in Seattle, there was an announcement about changes coming to the AAS Journals: Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL), and the Astronomical Journal (AJ). These changes include lots of awesome things such as “linking articles directly to data archives, providing for video abstracts, improving figure presentation, making figures interactive, introducing the ability [...]

Licensing Astrophysics Codes session at AAS 225: Link

For those of you not in the know, at the past AAS meeting, a session was held on Licensing Astrophysics Codes based on suggestions that such a session would be interesting and useful to astronomers. This is a topic previously discussed in an AstroBetter guest post by Jake VanderPlas in March of 2014. In case [...]