Career Profiles: Astronomer to Tenured Full Professor

Latest Career Profile: Joan Schmelz, an astronomer turned full professor. If you have questions, suggestions, advice to share, etc. about this career path, please leave a comment below or on the CSWA site. The AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) and the AAS Employment Committee have compiled dozens of interviews highlighting [...]

Latest Career Profile: Doug Roberts, an astronomer turned Data Visualization Specialist for Microsoft’s WorldWide Telescope and Adjunct Associate Professor at Northwestern University. He spends 75% of his time on research and content creation for WorldWide Telescope and 25% of his time on his astronomy research. If you have questions, suggestions, advice to share, etc. about [...]

LaTeX hyperref and emulateapj

Jonathan Foster is a YCAA Prize Fellow at Yale University. He studies how stars form, both through large-scale surveys of the galaxy and in detailed studies of nearby regions. He is also interested in how visualizations of large astronomy datasets can aid discovery. If you want your paper on the arxiv/astro-ph to be read by [...]

Professional Development Workshops at AAS225 in Seattle, WA

As has become a regular feature of the AAS Winter meeting, there is again an excellent lineup of professional development workshops on the Saturday and Sunday before the main meeting begins. These workshops are organized by members of the AAS Employment Committee as well by individual AAS members. There are a limited number of spots [...]

Career Profiles: Astronomer to Defense Researcher

Latest Career Profile: an astronomer turned researcher in defense. S/he notes that the job is quite similar to the type of work one would do in a theory postdoc. With a 40 hour work week and a flexible schedule, s/he finds personal life pretty well balanced with work life. If you have questions, suggestions, advice [...]

Calling All Diversity Programs

Sarah Jane Schmidt is the Columbus Postdoctoral Fellow at Ohio State University. Her research focuses on ultracool dwarfs, but her post today is related to her work with the Pre-Major in Astronomy Program as a graduate student at the University of Washington. There are a number of diversity programs run at different institutions, spanning a [...]

Fun with Interactive Visuals in Astrophysics

This is a cross-post from Sudeep Das’s personal blog. Sudeep is a Data Scientist at OpenTable, where his main focus is on mining reviews and scrumptious restaurant data to extract actionable insights and enable a personalized dining experience. For most of this professional life, Sudeep has been an astrophysicist researching the properties of the early universe via [...]

9/19 Links from the Editor

Haven’t posted anything for a bit, so I’ve had a lot of time to accumulate interesting stories and articles. Here we go! Study: Male Scientists Want to Be Involved Dads, but Few Are – As a male who eventually wants to be a father possibly in academia, this is a problem. There’s a lot of [...]

Latest Career Profile: Doris Daou, an astronomer turned Associate Director of the NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute. If you have questions, suggestions, advice to share, etc. about this career path, please leave a comment below or on the CSWA site. The AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) and the [...]