How to improve the AAS meeting?

Two thousand astronomers are dragging themselves home from an exciting but exhausting 221st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Long Beach.  After we’ve gotten a good night’s sleep and some strong coffee, how about we discuss what we thought worked, what didn’t and how we can improve the “Super Bowl of Astronomy”?   [...]

Astronomer to Data Scientist

Jessica Kirkpatrick recently made the transition from astrophysics researcher to data scientist for a tech company (Microsoft). Her insightful post provides suggestions for people in academia / research who are interested in pursuing a tech job. Astronomer to Data Scientist – Women in Astronomy

Remote display in python? [Ask Astrobetter]

The question:  “How can I remotely display python graphics windows?” The backstory:  I’m gotten used to the nifty interactive graphics of matplotlib in ipython.  But here it is New Year’s Eve and I’m working from home.  I need to ssh in to my desktop, run python, and remotely display the python graphics windows to my [...]

AstroBetter is Hiring

With funding from the Sloan Foundation, AstroBetter is hiring for three part-time consulting positions! No Astro experience is technically necessary for these positions, but I’m hoping to find folks with some familiarity with science research and I’m thinking one of you might know somebody who is just right! (And if anyone knows where else I [...]

Spotlight on Careers – Request for Feedback on Interview Questions

In 2013-14, we plan to provide a series of ~50 weekly blog posts highlighting the full range of career routes that astronomers pursue after their degree. Thanks to those who already provided recommendations for people we should contact. If you have additional recommendations, please email me at l-trouille [at] with the person’s name and email address. We are [...]

‘Tis the Season: Job Interview Resources & Advice

For job interview resources and advice and to help us build our set of quality resources for our community, check out the new post from Laura Trouille (Northwestern University & The Adler Planetarium): ‘Tis the Season: Job Interview Advice  –  Women in Astronomy  

Bottom line: Please consider endorsing the System Roadmap Committee’s Statement with several recommendations regarding the implementation of the NSF/AST Portfolio Review that are intended to reflect the views of the broad community by submitting your name and affiliation on this Google Form.  The deadline to endorse is this Friday, December 7, 2012. As I’ve described [...]

Updating Physics Education

So, it seems physics education in America includes nothing new since 1865, unlike any other field of study, even geology. This is an open letter to Obama asking him to do something about it. All faculty in Physics and Astro Departments need to start chipping away at this problem. (College has to change before high [...]