
Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill 2016-2017 - Postdoc & Term

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Postdoc or term positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) Matches (in boldface if accepted)Describe
Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), 1 postdoc in astroparticle physics (w/ P. Mertsch), 1 postdoc in cosmology (w/ J. Lesgourgues; ad) Due December 17, 2016. 1 offer for Cosmology postdoc made and accepted.
AAO Research Astronomer & Public Outreach Officer (ad) Due Jan 31, 2017. Shortlist notified, interviews scheduled. Offer made and accepted. Some rejections sent.
AAS John Bahcall Public Policy Fellowship Due March 31, 2017. Longlist notified; virtual interviews scheduled.
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Astronomical Observatory Institute (w/ Michalowski; ad) Preference will be given to applications submitted before 30 June 2017, subsequent applications will be considered until the position is filled.
ALMA JAO Fellowship Some interviews scheduled, including George Privon, Dominique Segura-Cox, Jorge Zavala. Offer made and declined.
AIP Leibniz Institute Cosmology Postdoctoral fellowship ad Shortlist notified, interviews scheduled. Offer made to Edoardo Carlesi, Martin Sparre (w. Pfrommer).
Anton Pannekoek Inst. for Astronomy, Univ. of Amsterdam: 1-2 postdoctoral positions in computational stellar astrophysics in the BinCosmos group (w/ De Mink; ad) Selection of candidates in progress, Long shortlist has been notified, first rejections sent. 
Anton Pannekoek Inst. for Astronomy, Univ. of Amsterdam: postdoctoral position in theoretical astrophysics (w/Markoff, ad Shortlist notified, interviews scheduled.  Offer made and accepted.

Arecibo Observatory, USRA postdoc position in radio astronomy group

Application review begins Feb. 1, 2017. Interviews being conducted (started May 1). Any offers?
APC Paris France, gravitational waves postdoc
Due March 15. Anyone heard anything?
Argonne National Laboratory, multiple postdoctoral positions in cosmology (observations/theory/large-scale computations/instrumentation); ad Due December 15, 2016.  At least some interviews conducted. Some offers made including Jonas Chaves-Montero, ChangHoon Hahn, Duncan Campbell, Patricia Larsen.
Argonne National Laboratory, postdoctoral position in computational cosmology; ad Due January 15, 2017
Ariel University, postdoctoral position in physics of massive stars / binary stars (w/ Kashi ; ad)


Arizona State University / School for Earth and Space Exploration - Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship (link) Due November 18, 2016.  Shortlist created. At least some rejections sent out.  Offer made and accepted.

Arizona State University / School for Earth and Space Exploration - Exoplanetary Systems  (w/ Shkolnik)

Due November 30, 2016. Shortlist notified, interviews conducted.  Two offers made and accepted.
Arizona / Steward Observatory - Postdoc position (w/ Xiaohui Fan, ad) Due January 2, 2017. Interviews concluded, offer made and accepted.
Australian National University (up to 10 positions with Asplund, Colless, da Cunha, Kewley, Krumholz, McClure-Griffiths, link)

Due December 12, 2016. Some interviews scheduled. Position w/ da Cunha offered and accepted. Rejection letters sent.

Australian National University, Stromlo Fellow  Offer made to Yuan-Sen Ting (declined).
Australian National University. Taipan survey, link Due January 31 2017. Shortlist notified and interviews scheduled, including Christoph Saulder. Rejection letters sent, offer made and accepted.
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational-wave Discovery (OzGrav): positions at Adelaide, ANU, Monash, Swinburne, U Melbourne, UWA. advert Due December 31, 2016. At least Monash and U Melbourne have made initial offers. 20.02.17: Rejection letters sent from Melbourne.
Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) Fellows, 3-year positions (University of Bern, Switzerland; ad) Due November 30, 2016.  Shortlist: Bower, Deitrick, Espinoza, Hoeijmakers, Lee, Lopez, Mayorga, Matra, Mills, Munoz, Paardekooper, Wilson.  Shortlisted candidates are invited to Bern on 12th Jan 2017.  Offers made to Dan Bower and Luca Matra (declined).  Another offer made to Sean Mills.  PlanetS joint postdoc offer (Geneva+Bern) made to Jens Hoeijmakers.
Ben-Gurion University (ad) Due January 15, 2017 (deadline extended). Offer made and accepted.
Benoziyo Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship in Astrophysics (ad) Due December 15. Shortlisted notified (inc. Mauricio Bustamante, Rusu Cristian), at least one offer made on 01/01/2017. Offered to Neven Caplar (Jan. 29, declined), Yi Yang.
Berkeley Lab (LBNL; Owen Chamberlain Physics Fellowship; ad) Interviews conducted including ChangHoon Hahn.  Some offers made and some accepted. 
Berkeley Lab LSS postdoc (LBNL; ad Offers made to Michael Wilson, ChangHoon Hahn
Berkeley, TAC Fellowship

Due November 15, 2016. Some shortlisted candidates notified, including Anna Rosen, Tilman Hartwig, Rahul Kannan, Jonathan Stern, Duncan Campbell. Some offers made, including Philip Mocz, Sasha Philippov, Yuan-Sen Ting (declined), Evan Schneider

Rejections sent.

Berkeley, Center for Integrative Planetary Science (CIPS) Fellowship

Some rejections sent. Offer made to Megan Ansdell.
Berkeley, BCCP/CDS Fellowships (ad) Jan 15, 2017 - Some offers made. Includes Gautham Narayan (declined)
Berkeley, Stellar Pops or Adaptive Optics (w/ J. Lu); ad Due March 1, 2017. Multiple positions available.
Bernoulli Fellows, 4-year positions (Oxford-Bern or Heidelberg-Bern; ad) Due November 30, 2016.  Shortlisted candidates are a subset of the CSH Fellowship shortlist.  Heidelberg-Bern offer made to Nestor Espinoza.  Oxford-Bern offer made to Graham Lee.
Bologna INFN (istituo nazionale di fisica nucleare)  
Bolton Fellowship (CSIRO, Australia) ad Due October 31, 2016. Rejections sent
CAASTRO-3D Fellowship (Australia; ad) Due January 16, 2017.   Interviews conducted 1/30, decisions expected this week. Some offers made, including Sandro Tacchella (declined). Rejections sent. Emily Wisnioski and Trevor Mendel (ANU), Tiantian Yuan (Swinburne), Caroline Foster (U Sydney)
Caltech (Burke theoretical prize fellowship) Offers made, including Eve Lee
Caltech Millikan Prize Fellowship Offer made to Arpita Roy
Caltech JCPA Fellowship (ad) Due January 1, 2017. Offer made and accepted.

Caltech, Exoplanet Astrophysics (w/ Howard; ad)

Due January 15, 2017

Caltech/IPAC (with Colbert and Teplitz) Due December 15, 2016, Shortlist notified and scheduling the interviews, Offer made
Caltech, High Energy (w/ Harrison & Garcia; ad) Due December 15, 2016
Caltech, Time Domain Astronomy (ad) Due December 15, 2016. Offered to Gautham Narayan (declined)
Carnegie Fellowship Shortlist notified, including Tom Holoien, John Ruan, Anna Rosen, Arpita Roy, Steph Sallum, Néstor Espinoza, Megan Bedell, Sarah Wellons, Irene Shivaei, Krista Lynne Smith, Wei Zhu, Hsin-Yu Chen, Alex Ji, Anna Nierenberg, Decker French, Rachael Beaton.
Offers to Decker French, Alex Ji, Tom Holoien, Gergö Popping (declined), Allison Strom
Carnegie Fellowship in Instrumentation Offer made and accepted
Carnegie Alvin E. Nashman Fellowship Offer made (01/12) to Anna Rosen (declined)
Carnegie-Caltech Fellowship Offer made (01/12) to Anna Rosen (declined)
Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship Offers made to Yuan-Sen Ting (w/ IAS) and Rachael Beaton (w/ Hubble) . 
Carnegie DTM Fellowship

>60 applicants. Staff scientists have met to review applications.

At least one offer made (1/23) to Meredith MacGregor (w/ NSF) 

At least 1 rejection sent (March 1)

Another offer (Vera Rubin Fellowship) made to Jaehan Bae.

Carnegie Mellon McWilliams Fellowship (ad)

Shortlist made - at least one offer made

offer made to Duncan Campbell

Carnegie Mellon Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning, Statistics and Astrophysics

At least some interviews conducted including ChangHoon Hahn

An offer has been accepted.

CEA Saclay, postdoctoral position w/ Emanuele Daddi Due February 1, 2017. Some rejections sent. Offer made and accepted.

CEFCA, Spain (two positions in cosmology w/ R. Angulo; ad)

Due January 15. At least some shortlisted candidates notified including ChangHoon Hahn

CEFCA, Spain (one position in cosmology w/ A. Hernández-Monteagudo ; ad) Due to December 31, Shortlisted candidates notified including Christoph Saulder, Rejections sent, offer made and accepted
CEICO, Prague (Senior and Junior Postdoctoral Research positions) Due to October 15, 2017. More info at http://ceico.cz/jobs
Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe , Korea (ad) Due December 20. Offer made to Mauricio Bustamante.
CfA ITC Fellowship (ad) Shortlist notified, rejection e-mails sent (Dec 13). Some offers made, including Anna Rosen (w/ Einstein), Rahul Kannan (w/ Einstein), Evan Schneider, Eve Lee, Sasha Philippov, Antonija Oklopčić
CfA Fellowship Due October 31, 2016, offered to Alex Ji, Sandro Tacchella
CfA Event Horizon Telescope (ad) Offers made (Dec 16), including Mislav Baloković (w/ BHI fellowship)
CfA (ad; Multi-wavelength w/Karovska) Due to January 15, 2017. Some interviews scheduled including Ashkbiz Danehkar. Offer made and accepted.
CHARA postdoctoral associate

Due January 17, 2017 - Offer made and accepted

CHEOPS Fellowship (Switzerland) Interviews concluded. (Feb 10) At least one offer made. At least one rejection sent.
CITA National Fellowship (https://jobregister.aas.org/node/55039)

Jim Mertens (with Matt Johnson at York University, accepted)

Other offers made, including Chervin Laporte (Victoria)

CITA Fellowship (ad Due November 15, 2016. Some offers made, including Susan Clark, Ben Farr, Hsin-Yu Chen, Sasha Philippov

Columbia University, Theoretical High Energy/Transient Astrophysics (w/ Metzger; ad)

Due December 1, 2016. Short list notified, including Almog Yalinewich, Elad Steinberg.
Cornell University, Theoretical Astrophysics (w/ Dong Lai; ad) Shortlist includes Geoffrey Ryan, Alex Deibel.
CSA JWST NIRISS Instrument Scientist at STScI (team of Alex Fullerton); ad Due 2pm PDT on 20 April 2017.
Dartmouth College Fellowship  
DIRAC Institute postdocs (LSST, University of Washington; ad) Offers made and accepted.
Dunlap Fellowship (ad) Due November 1, 2016. Some offers made, including Susan Clark, Wen-fai Fong, Aaron Ewall-Wice. Shortlisted candidates notified, including John Ruan, Sandro Tacchella, Neven Caplar.
Durham Fellowship and postdoc - cosmology and extragalactic (ad) Due January 3, 2017. Short list notified
Durham Universtiy Junior Research Fellowship (ad) Due December 2, 2016.
EACOA Fellowship (ad) Interviews scheduled, including Chat Hull and Li-Yen Hsu.  Offer made to Chat Hull (declined), Siyi Feng.
Edinburgh (ERC postdoctoral with Heymans/Zuntz) Some interviews scheduled, including Alice Pisani, Eleonora Di Valentino. An offer made and accepted.
ESA Fellowship Shortlist made. Interviews conducted.
Einstein Fellowship (ad)

Due November 3, 2016. 156 complete applications received. At least some rejections sent (11 Jan). Some offers made, including Anna Rosen (Harvard, w/ ITC fellowship), Philip Mocz (Princeton, w/ Spitzer), Sasha Philippov (UC Berkeley, w/ TAC fellowship), Vivienne Baldassare (Yale), Rahul Kannan (SAO, w/ITC fellowship), Susan Clark (declined), Evan Schneider, Zachary Slepian (LBNL). Some waitlisted candidates notified (11 Jan).

Do we know how many total original offers were made (including those that were declined)?

Eotvos University (Budapest; ad), postdoc in Extragalactic astrophysics Offer made, including Rusu Cristian, Nhut Truong.
ESO Fellowship (Garching; ad) Due October 15, 2016. Some interviews scheduled. At least some offers made, including Decker French, Sandro Tacchella (declined).
ESO Fellowship (Chile) Due October 15, 2016. Interviews scheduled. Some offers made, including Chentao Yang
ETH Zurich (w/ Carollo; ad) Due December 31, 2016. At least some shortlisted candidates notified including ChangHoon Hahn
Exeter, Star-Disk Interaction (w/ Sean Matt; ad, app) Due March 1. Shortlist made March 21, some rejections sent.  Interviews conducted week of March 27. Offer made March 31, accepted.

Exploration Fellowship (Arizona State University; ad)

Due November 18, 2016

Fermi and McCormick Fellowships (University of Chicago; ad) Due November 14, 2016. Some offers made, including Sasha Philippov.
Fermilab Theoretical Astrophysics Postdoc accepted by Sam McDermott
FINCA (ad Positions in Turku, Oulu, Helsinki or Metsahovi, 2yr+1, Due December 1, 2016. Offer made on January 31, 2017. At least one offer accepted.  
Five College Astronomy Department Research and Teaching Fellow (Amherst College, ad) Due December 1, 2016. Offer made to Kimberly Ward-Duong.
Flatiron Fellowship (Simons Foundation, ad) Due November 1, 2016; offers made, including Colin Hill (joint w/ IAS), Evan Schneider, Ben Farr, Sasha Philippov, Megan Bedell, Daniel Angles-Alcazar. As of 2/14, all offers have been made, and rejection emails have been sent.
Fudan University and ISAF/INAF Bologna (w/ Bambi and Grandi; ad) Due December 15, 2016
Gemini Fellowships (N and S; ad) Due November 6, 2016. Interviews scheduled. At least one offer made.
Geneva Observatory ERC postdoctoral position on Exoplanets (w/ Ehrenreich; ad) Due March 1, 2017 - Rejections sent. Offer made and accepted.
Giaconni & Lasker Data Science Fellowship (ad) January 15, 2017 - Some offers made. Lasker offered to Gautham Narayan. Giaconni rejections sent (2/3).
Gliese Fellowship at ZAH (ad) Offer made to Krista Lynne Smith. Offer made to Diego Munoz
  Harvard Black Hole Initiative Fellowship (ad) Offers made (Dec 16), including Hsin-Yu Chen, Mislav Baloković (w/ EHT). Waitlist includes Geoffrey Ryan.
Harvard Future Faculty Leaders Decision or update on review process by Feb 13th. Some rejections sent (2/12).  Shortlist includes Dominique Segura-Cox, Emmaris Soto, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Christopher S. Moore. Offer made to Laura Mayorga.
Harvard University, Theoretical/Numerical Cosmology (w/ Cora Dvorkin; ad)

Due December 1, 2016. Offered to Julian Munoz.

Harvard University, Time-Domain Astrophysics (w/ Edo Berger; ad) Due December 15, 2016
Harvard University, Data Science Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Due February 3, 2017, rejections sent
Harvard University, CMB (w/Kovac) Shortlist made. Interviews being scheduled including Eleonora Di Valentino.
Harvard University, multiple postdoc positions in planetary science, with Jeremy Bloxham. (ad) Offers made, including Rakesh Yadav.
Heidelberg University (Extragalactic Star Formation w/Kruijssen; ad) Due December 10, 2016
Heidelberg University (Molecular Cloud Evolution Theory w/Kruijssen; ad) Due December 10, 2016. Offer made.
Heidelberg University (Computational Galaxy Formation and Evolution w/Kruijssen; ad) Due December 10, 2016. At least some candidates contacted for interviews. Offer made, waitlist notified.
Heidelberg University Gliese Fellowship (ad) Due November 30, 2016
High Altitude Observatory (HAO) postdoc fellowships. Solar and Stellar physics. (ad) At least one offer made to Rakesh Yadav (declined).
Hintze Fellowship (University of Oxford; ad) Due January 13, 2017. At least some interviews being scheduled including ChangHoon Hahn, Emma Lofthouse. Offer made, including Yiqing Liu.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 4~6 positions (ad) Due December 9, 2016
Hubble Fellowship (ad)

Some offers made Jan 13, including Rachael Beaton (=> Princeton), Brett McGuire (NRAO/CfA), Chat Hull (declined), George Zhou (SAO), Ivan Cabrera-Ziri, Evan Schneider (Princeton), Sarah Loebman (UC Davis), Katherine de Kleer (declined), Jordan Stone, Anna Rosen (declined), Susan Clark (IAS), Ena Choi (Columbia), Decker French (Carnegie Obs), Alex Ji (Carnegie Obs), Wen-fai Fong, Anne Jaskot, Ke Zhang (UMich), Johanna Teske (Carnegie DTM).

Some waitlisted candidates notified, including Jonathan Stern, Rakesh Yadav.

Some rejections sent.

IAS SNS Fellowship (ad) Due November 15, 2016. Offers made, including Eve Lee, Susan Clark, Yuan-Sen Ting (w/ Carnegie-Princeton), Philip Mocz, Mikhail Belyaev, Colin Hill (joint w/ CCA). Shortlisted candidates notified, including Wei Zhu
IAC - Postdoctoral contract in Cosmology w/ Kitaura (ad/ad)

Due January 15, 2017. Shortlist notified: Rémi Adam, Andres Balaguera Antolínez, Edoardo Carlesi, Aurelio Carnero Rosell, Ashkbiz Danehkar, Ivan De Martino, Ignasi Pérez i Ràfols, Prabhakar Tiwari, Yi Zheng (February 13, 2017). Offer made to Andres Balaguera Antolínez (March 20, 2017).

IAC - Postdoctoral contract in galaxies w/ Vecchia (ad) Due February 28, 2017. Shortlist made: Caroline Caldwell, David Cole, Ashkbiz Danehkar, Santiago Ismael Ferrero, Inmaculada Martínez Valpuesta, Andrea Negri, Jean-Baptiste Salomon, Vimal Simha.
ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (SAIFR), Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology & Gravitation (w/Porto & Iocco) Due December 15 2016

ICTP-SAIFR, Postdoc positions in Observational and Theoretical Cosmology.  (ad link)

Due December 15 2016
IFAE/UAB - Postdoctoral Fellow in Observational Cosmology (ad) Due December 13, 2016. First Offer made (declined).
IfA fellowships (Edinburgh; ad)

Due December 15, 2016. Any news? At least some interviews arranged, including Yannick Bahe (Jan 22).  Offer made to Oliver Elbert (Declined), Martin Sparre (Declined), Katarina Kraljic, Marcel van Daalen

IfA Edinburgh (w/ Khochfar; ad)

Due October 15, 2016

Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris IAP (w/Kotera; ad) Due December 15, 2016. Offer made to Mauricio Bustamante.
IRAM Granada (ad)

Due in October 2016, any news?

IUCAA Pune Due in October 2016, at least six offers made and few waitlists notified 
ISAS/JAXA International Top Young Fellowship (ad) Due November 27, 2016. Offer made to those including Kiwamu Izumi.
Jansky Fellowship (NRAO)

Due November 1, 2016, At least some rejections sent out on Dec 19. Some offers made, including Nithyanandan Thyagarajan (accepted), Decker French, Meredith MacGregor (declined), Justin Spilker (declined), María J. Jiménez-Donaire (declined), Kazunori Akiyama (MIT Haystack).

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL/Caltech), Post-doctoral fellow in cosmology (w/ Doré and Eifler; ad)  Due January 1, 2017.  Some interviews conducted. Have any offers been made?

Johns Hopkins University
Multiple postdoc positions w/ Kamionkowski, Ménard, Riess, Schlaufman (ad link)


Johns Hopkins University

Multiple postdoc positions in Planetary Physics (ad link)

Due February 15th, 2017. At least one offer made to Rakesh Yadav (declined).
Joint Space-Science Institute, University of Maryland (ad) Due Dececember 15, 2016. Offer made and accepted by Geoffrey Ryan (Feb 1)

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen

(w/ Caputi)

Shortlist made. Interviews conducted. Two offers made, one already accepted.
KASI (Junior Research Leader, ad ) Due Feb 28, 2017
KASI (3 postdocs in cosmology group CosKASI; ad) Due December 16, 2016. Shortlist is made, and interviews are scheduled on Jan 17.
KASI-Arizona Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Due December 2, 2016. Offer made and accepted.
Kavli Institute Fellow (Cambridge) Due November 1, 2016. Interviews scheduled, including Chia-Hsun Chuang, Colin Hill, Daniel Meerburg, James Aird.  Offer made to Colin Hill.
Kavli Junior Fellowship (Cambridge) Due November 1, 2016. Offer made to Sandro Tacchella (declined).
Kavli IPMU, U. Tokyo (ad) Due December 1, 2016. Interviews scheduled, including Duncan Campbell, ChangHoon Hahn. One offer made.
KIPAC, SLAC (ad) Due November 7, 2016. Porat and Kavli fellowship offer(s) made, including Alex Ji, Allison Strom (Jan 5). At least one KIPAC fellowship offer made (Ioannis Liodakis, Feb 06).
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (w/ Pieri, ad) Due December 15, 2016 - Shortlist includes Satya Gontcho A Gontcho and Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols
Leiden Observatory (w/ Hoekstra - ad) Due January 10, 2017.
Leiden Observatory (w/ Jacqueline Hodge) Some interviews have been done.
Los Alamos National Lab-Director's Postdoc Fellowship (ad)

Due November 7, 2016

Los Alamos National Lab - Plasma Astrophysics, Computational Plasma Physics, and Protoplanetary Disk Postdocs (ad) Interviews have been scheduled. More applications are still being accepted.
Los Alamos National Lab - Center for Theoretical Astrophysics (ad) Three offers made. More to follow. 
Los Alamos National Lab - T-2 Theoretical Division (neutrinos and nuclei in the early universe; AJO#7806) Due November 21, 2016. Some interviews have been done, including Eleonora Di Valentino.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships   (ad) Due September 14.  Rejections sent 24 Jan. Offers include Arianna Di Cintio (IAC, Tenerife), Yannick Bahé (Leiden),  Vincent Vennin (Paris), Wojciech Hellwing (Warsaw), Eva Ntormousi (FORTH, Crete)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (w/ Vogelsberger; ad)

Due December 31, 2016. 120 applications. Some first candidates on shortlist have been contacted. Offer made to Hui Li and David Barnes.
McGill Space Institute (several positions available; ad) Due November 30, 2016. Offered to John Ruan (joint with MAF)
McGill Astrophysics Fellowship (ad) Due November 30, 2016. Offered to John Ruan (joint with MSI)
Menzel Fellowship (CfA)

Due October 31, 2016. Some offers made, including Sasha Philippov, Eve Lee, Evan Schneider. Rejections have been sent. <- can anyone confirm rejections were sent? <- Yes, received rejection email on Feb 1 (says over 200 applicants). Some more rejection emails sent on Feb 16.

Offer made and accepted.

MIT Pappalardo Fellowship Shortlisted candidates invited for interviews (Nov. 14th) including Julieta Gruszko, Sean Mills, Grant Remmen, Allison Strom. Some offers made Dec. 18, including Sasha Philippov (declined).
Monash University - Assistant Lecturer in Gravitational Waves with Lasky (ad) Due April 2, 2017
MPA - Postdoctoral positions in theoretical astrophysics (ad)

Due December 2, 2016. (w/Schmidt) Offered to Giovanni Cabass (accepted).

Shortlisted candidates invited for interviews, including Rahul Kannan

Offer made to Kaloian Lozanov (Cambridge), Rahul Kannan, Francesca Fragkoudi

Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellowship at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India (ad) offer made to Rahul Kashyap (UMASS Dartmouth)
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) - Astrochemistry and Star/Planet Formation (w/ Caselli, ad) Due December 15, 2016.  Shortlist includes Dominique Segura-Cox. Initial round of offers made. All positions filled.
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) - Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics, PhD and Postdocs (ad) Due January 8, 2017. Shortlist made and some interviews scheduled. Irina Dvorkin, Nicola Tamanini, Niels Warburton
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg - Galaxies and Cosmology Department. Several ṕostdoctoral positions

Due December 1, 2016. Shortlist made, some candidates contacted for interviews. MPIA Fellowship offered to Gergo Popping, Sandro Tacchella (declined). Any news on position with Pillepich? > At least some shortlisted candidates notified Jan 13, offered to Yannick Bahé (Jan 27, declined). Any news on position with F. Walter? Any news on position w/Schinnerer?


Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg - Planet and Star Formation Department (ad) Due December 1, 2016. Shortlist made and interviews conducted. Offer made.
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg - PROMISE group (w/ Kainulainen, ad) Due December 1, 2016. Interviews conducted. Offer made.
Miller Fellowship (UC Berkeley) rejection e-mails sent (Dec 12). Shortlisted candidates notified, including Yuan-Sen Ting. One offer made.
N3AS Fellowship (ad) Some offers made December 30, 2016
NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) - All rounds

2/8/17 at least two GSFC offers made

Did anyone get a rejection? <- Yes

At least one pending result at GSFC 2/9/17

At least two total pending results 2/9/17

"Pending" is analogous to wait listed for one year.

What is the deadline for offers to be accepted (asks the pending)? <-- 3 weeks from award according to website.

Have there been responses from anywhere besides GSFC (offers or rejections)? Where/when?  <Rejection received for NAI NPP 2/13.

Anyone else still waiting to hear back? < Yup, from JPL specifically. <-- Same.

**************** MARCH>MAY STARTS HERE ************* 

2017-04-25: Anyone hear back from the March call yet? < No, but it seems a bit early still?

2017-05-16: ANY NEWS?

2017-05-22: at least 3 "pending" results from GSFC 

Does anyone know the likelihood of "pending" > "accepted" at GSFC? I was already pending from the last round. What's the point of accepting more people while you have people who are pending twice concurrently? I am begining to think pending means "very remote chance if the planets align?" < I get the impression the "pending" means congratulations, you lost.

2017-05-23: two confirmed accepted for GSFC

2017-05-31: any news from JPL yet? <-- No

2017-06-02: one rejected JPL

2017-06-03: 4 offers made at JPL.

******July -> September round***
At least one offer made for NASA-Ames

Any news from GSFC?

Why are people deleting stuff? Don't delete stuff. 

NASA Jack Eddy postdoc fellowship (ad) At least one offer made to Rakesh Yadav (declined)
New York University Abu Dhabi (w/Macciò; ad) Due November 30, 2016. Some interviews scheduled. Shortlist includes E. Papastergis, Duncan Campbell. Offer made to Keri Dixon.
NYU James Arthur Fellowship (ad) Due December 1, 2016.  Skype interviews conducted on Jan 6. Offer made Jan 10.
NAOJ Chile Observatory, 1 professor (EA-ARC manager) Interviews made. Any offers?
NAOJ Chile Observatory (ALMA), specially appointed assistant/associate professor 2 offers made. Who?
NAOJ Fellow (ad) Offers made, including Chat Hull (Chile).
NAOJ ALMA/ASTE Postdoctoral Research Fellow (ad) Offers made. 2 offers, who?
Niels Bohr International Academy (ad) Due December 1st, 2016
Niels Bohr International Academy (w/Tamborra, ad) Due December 12, 2016. Offer made to Mauricio Bustamante.
Niels Bohr Institute - DARK-Carlsberg Foundation and Center for Transient Astrophysics (CTA) Fellowships Due November 15, 2016. CTA shortlist notified. Dark fellowship short-/longlist notified, accepted. Yannick Bahe, Azadeh Fattahi. Are rejection letters sent? What about the position with Hansen?
Nordita Fellowship (Stockholm University; ad) Due January 9, 2017
Norman Lockyer Fellowship Due October 21, 2016
Northwestern University, CIERA Fellowships (ad) Due December 1, 2016. Offers made to Jonathan Stern, Jennifer Barnes, Diego Munoz, Evan Schneider, Sarah Wellons, Cliff Johnson. Waitlist includes Elad Steinberg.
Northwestern University, NICO Data Science Scholar (ad) Due December 15, 2016, Interviews underway

Northwestern University, Postdoctoral Associate positions (ad)

Due December 1, 2016. Offer made to Emma Reilly. 
NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship (NSF AAPF)  Due October 12, 2016. Some rejections sent (1/31). Some offers made (1/31), including Stephanie Douglas (CfA), Arpita Roy, Meredith MacGregor (Carnegie DTM), Vivienne Baldassare (declined), Christina Williams (Arizona), Adam Beardsley (ASU), Chat Hull (declined), Joel Leja (CfA), Katherine de Kleer (declined), Steph Sallum (Santa Cruz), Rachael Beaton (Carnegie; declined), Maria Weber (U. Chicago/Adler), Josh Dillon (UC Berkeley). At least 3 people waitlisted (1/31).
Ohio State CCAPP Fellowship (ad)

Due November 14, 2016. Some offers made (01/08), including Yuan-Sen Ting (declined). Other offers forthcoming. <- have any other offers been made?

Ohio State - ISM/Nearby Galaxies (w/Leroy; ad) Due January 30, 2017
Origins Fellowship (University of Hull; ad) Due December 12, 2016. At least some interviews conducted during the week of the 16th January

Oslo, 3-year cosmology fellowship - SPIDER  (ad)

Due January 9, 2017
Oslo, 3-year cosmology fellowship - CORE, LiteBIRD ++ (ad) Due February 1, 2017
Oort Fellowship (Leiden; ad) Due December 15, 2016. Search has concluded and the candidate has accepted.
Paris Lagrange fellowship (ad) - Due November 16, 2016. Shortlisted notified
Paris Observatory (GRBs w/ Vergani - ad) Due January 1, 2017. Interviews being scheduled
Paris Observatory, PSL fellowships in astrophysics

Due to December 15, 2016. 

4 offers made, including Gioia Rau

Peking University, The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics

(many positions available; ad)

Due November 30, 2016, Shortlisted notified. Some offers made, including Rusu Cristian, Zheng Zheng.
Peking University, Galaxy Evolution and Stellar Populations (w/Peng, ad) Due February 24, 2017
Penn State, Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds (w/ Fabienne Bastien, Eric Ford and/or Suvrath Mahadevan; ad)

Due January 15, 2017. At least some reference letters requested.

Penn State, Center for theoretical and observational cosmology (w/ Sarah Shandera and Donghui Jeong; ad) Due December 15, 2016, Shortlist includes Chia-Hsun Chuang, ChangHoon Hahn
Penn State Eberly Research Fellowship (ad) Due January 15, 2017. Offer made to Alice Pisani (declined). Some offers made in astronomy. Offer made to Eleonora Di Valentino.
Perimeter Institute Fellowship Offer made to Colin Hill.
Plaskett Fellowship (NRC Herzberg, Victoria, Canada) Due November 15th, 2016. At least some shortlisted candidates notified, including Anahita Alavi. Offers made: John Ruan (declined), Vincent Henault-Brunet and Henry Ngo.
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Sponsoring postdoctoral positions funded by the National Council of Science and Technology. More information here.
Princeton University (Spitzer fellowship; ad) Due November 1, 2016. Offer made to Susan Clark, Philip Mocz (w/ Einstein), Kenta Hotokezaka. Have any rejections been sent, or will they be? <- Some rejections sent Feb. 7.
Princeton University (misc. positions; ad) Due November 1, 2016. Offer made to Alice Pisani (accepted). PFS position offered to Neven Caplar (Jan. 27).
Princeton Center for Theoretical Science Due October 15, 2016
Purdue University (HE theory w/Giannios; ad) Due February 15, 2017
Queen's University Belfast (w/Miller;ad) Due May 2, 2017

RAS Research Fellowship

Due October 21, 2016
Royal Society University Research Fellowships

Longlist made (Jan 2017). Shortlist made and invitations to interview sent out (March 10, 2017), some rejections and acceptance letters sent to interviewed candidates (May 8), final awards announced (June 27), including Manda Banerji, Adam Ingram, Adam Pound


see: https://royalsociety.org/news/2017/06/royal-society-announces-university-research-fellowships-for-2017/

Sagan Fellowship (website)

Due November 3, 2016. Any news? Committee meeting today (Friday, January 20th)

At least three offers made, including Johanna Teske (declined), Ke Zhang (declined), Eve Lee (declined).

At least nine rejections sent.

At least two consolation drinks purchased.

At least one waitlisted candidate notified.

Scuola Normale Superiore (With Andrei Mesinger) Due 1 December 2016. One offer declined.
Seoul National University (Active galactic nuclei; w/ J.-H. Woo; ad) Due December 30, 2016. At least some candidates contacted for interviews. Offer made and accepted.
Simons Collaboration on the Origin of Life Postdoctoral Fellowship

Stage 1 due 9/9

Stage 2 due 12/1 (invitation only; invitations extended 10/28). Offers made, including Sukrit Ranjan.

SKA fellowship (South Africa, ad)  

Due August 31st, 2016. Some offers made. Offers include E. Papastergis. Devin Crichton 

SMA Fellowship (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; ad) Due October 31, 2016. Shortlisted candidates notified, including Dominique Segura-Cox, María J. Jiménez-Donaire, L. Matrà., J. Spilker, Decker French. Offer made to Justin Spilker (declined), María J. Jiménez-Donaire (accepted).
Stockholm University, Extragalactic Astronomy (w/ Hayes; ad) Due Feb 19, 2017. Any Updates?

Stockholm, two 3-year cosmology fellowships at the Oskar Klein Centre (w/ Peiris; ad

Due December 31, 2016. Some rejections sent. Offer made and accepted.
Strittmatter Fellowship (University of Arizona; ad) Due January 9, 2016. Offer made to Nestor Espinoza (declined). Offer made and accepted. Some rejections sent.
Subaru Fellow (ad) Due November 16, 2016. Shortlisted notified. Offer made to Sandro Tacchella (declined), Rusu Cristian
Swansea University (Particle Physics and Cosmology) Due December 17, 2016. Offer to Giovanni Cabass.
Swinburne University of Technology: 2 positions (w/ Ryan-Weber, Croton, Glazebrook - ad) Due November 1, 2016. Some interviews scheduled (2/2)
STScI - GC and nearby galaxy stellar pop w/ Marel and HSTPROMO collab

Due December 15, 2016 Offer made and accepted.

STScI w/Boyer Due Feb. 1, 2017 > At least some interviews done, including Michalis Kourniotis. Offer made and accepted.
STScI w/Meixner Due Feb. 24, 2017. At least some interviews conducted. Any offers made? Yes, the position is filled.
STScI w/Roman-Duval, Peek, & Gordon  Due Jan. 15, 2017. Offer made and accepted.
STScI w/Pontoppidan Due to Jan. 12, 2017 --> Interview in progress.  Offer made and accepted.
STScI w/Soummer, Perrin, Pueyo, Lewis (ad) Due Jan. 1, 2017. Interviews at beginning of February.  Any news?
STScI support scientist See faculty/staff page
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (ad) Due Feb. 20, 2017.  Post-deadline applications will be considered until position is filled.
Texas Tech University Near Field Cosmology (w/ Sand, ad) Due February 1, 2017.  Offer made and accepted.
Trottier Fellowship of iREx, U de. Montréal (ad) Due Dec. 5, 2016. Any news? 
Tsinghua university (21cm astrophysics) Due Jan. 15, 2017.  Offer made to Hayato Shimabukuro and accepted. 
The Hebrew University - Multiple postdoctoral fellowships (ad) Some shortlisted candidates notified.
UCL Reionisation Postdoc (ad) Due December 31, 2016 - Offer made and accepted.
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Instituto de Astronomia (ad) Due February 28, 2017. Some interviews scheduled, including Ashkbiz Danehkar.
University of Alabama (Galaxy Evolution) Due Jan 1, 2017. Some interviews conducted. Offer made and accepted.
University of Arizona (NIRCam and MIRI, w/Rieke; ad) Due Dec. 16, 2016.
University of Bern (exoplanets, w/ Demory; ad) Due October 31, 2016. Offer made and accepted.
University of Birmingham (prize fellowships at Institute of Gravitational-wave Astronomy, ad) Due Jan 6, 2017
University of California, Davis - Galaxy Formation & Cosmology (w/ Wetzel; ad) Due December 16, 2016, any news?
University of California Santa Cruz, IMPS Due December 1, 2016. Some interviews scheduled (1/20)
University of California, San Diego - ISM/Nearby Galaxies (w/Sandstrom; ad) Due January 30, 2017.  Offer made.
University of California, Irvine-AGN (w/Barth, ad) Due 31 March. Any news? <- Letter requests have been made. Some interviews conducted.
University of California, Santa Barbara - Extragalactic Astrophysics (w/ Joe Hennawi, ad) Due December 31, 2016; interviews concluded. Up to 3 positions: One offer made to John Ruan (declined), another offer rejected. One offer accepted.
University of Cambridge, one postdoc in cosmology, one in black holes and gravitational physics (ad) Closing date: 4 January 2017. Offer made and accepted for both positions.
University of Cincinnati - CMB polarization (w/Bischoff; ad) Due February 15, 2017
University of KwaZulu-Natal - UKZN-NAOC Joint Postdoc, Cosmology & Radio (ad) Due February 28, 2017. Some interviews scheduled including Ashkbiz Danehkar.
University of Florida Computational Astrophysics (w/ Narayanan; ad

Due December 1st, 2016; the link in the jobregister ad has given some trouble, though the link here should work.

Some interviews scheduled including Michael Tremmel, Katarina Kraljic, George Privon. Offered to Michael Tremmel (declined),

University of Florida Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad Due January 6th, 2017, offered to Gergö Popping (declined). Some rejections sent. Offer made to George Privon.
University of Illinois (Fortner fellowship, ad) Due January 16th. 
University of Illinois (multiple positions in cosmology theory, data, and experiment, ad) Due January 16th
University of Illinois - Lecturer/Instructor in Astronomy (ad) Due May 10th
University of Manchester (https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=12647) Offer made to Eleonora Di Valentino
University of Manchester - eMERLIN Legacy Surveys (https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=12803) Due March 1st 2017. Offer made and accepted.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Exoplanets w/Steffen; ad) Due December 15, 2016.  Offer made and accepted.
University of Oklahoma (star formation, w/Tobin; ad) Due December 16, 2016.  Shortlist includes Dominique Segura-Cox. Offer accepted.
University of Oklahoma (radiative tranfer, w/Baron; https://jobregister.aas.org/job_view?JobID=59584 Due April 14, 2017 Offer accepted.
University of Oxford - Beecroft Fellowship in Cosmology (ad) Due December 1, 2016. Shortlist made and interviews conducted. Offer made.
University of Oxford - Fellowships in Gravitational Physics (w/Ferreira; ad) Due December 1, 2016; shortlist made and some interviews scheduled.

University of Oxford, 5-Year Career Development Fellowship in Astrophysics (Christ Church, ad)

Due January 16th, 2017

University of Portsmouth, Research Fellow in Data Intensive Science (ad) January 31st, 2017. Interviews underway, rejection letters sent
University of Potsdam, Research associate (Huirong Yan, ad) Due November 30, 2016. Offer made and accepted
University of Southampton (AGN w/ Hoenig; ad Due November 15, 2016
University of Texas at Austin - Postdoctoral research in Star Formation, Exoplanets, or Stellar Astrophysics (w/ Dan Jaffe, ad)

Due June 2, 2017. Offer made and accepted

University of Texas at Austin - Postdoctoral research in Cosmology and astrophysics (w/ Shapiro ad) Due December 15, 2016. Any news?
University of Texas at Austin - Postdoctoral research in extragalactic astronomy (w/ Caitlin Casey) Due December 12, 2016. Shortlist includes Jorge Zavala. Offer made and accepted.
University of Texas at Austin/McDonald Observatory Harlan J. Smith Fellowship Due November 20, 2016.  Shortlist notified, includes Justin Spilker, Irene Shivaei, Sandro Tacchella, Megan Bedell, Anna Rosen, Allison Strom, Azadeh Fattahi, Sarah Wellons, Duncan Campbell. At least some rejection letters sent.
University of Toronto CPS Postdoc (ad) Due December 1, 2016. One offer made and accepted. Some rejections sent.
University of Vienna (w/ Alves, ad) Due February 28, 2017. Any updates?
University of Zürich (Cosmology; w/Yoo; AJO#8264) Due January 1, 2017. 91 applicants.
Western Washington University (w/ Covey; ad) Due December 1, 2016. Shortlist notified, interviews conducted. Offer made.
Yale YCAA Fellowship

Shortlist notified. Including Phil Bull, Alex Ji, Michael Tremmel, ChangHoon Hahn. Offers made to Alex Ji, Michael Tremmel. 

Did anyone else get a rejection email today that said they were on the shortlist, when they were never notified they were on the shortlist to begin with?

University of Vienna (w/ Manuel Guedel) Due 06 February, 2017. Any updates?



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