
Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill - Faculty & Staff

Postdoc & Term Page - Previous Years


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Tenure Track Faculty Positions

Even if you find disappointing news here, please remember that you still do good work and are probably absolutely crushing it in your current position. Your research is cool!

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Aarhus University (ad) Associate Professor in theoretical cosmology. Shortlist made. Interviews underway. Rejections sent.
Adelphi University (ad), Assistant Professor Physics Due April 15, 2021. First round interview request May 14, including Ashkbiz Danehkar.
APEx, MPIA (Heidelberg), tenure-track staff positions (ad) Due Dec. 1 2020, first-round interviews sent January 13. Interviews include Clara Sousa-Silva, Sarah Rugheimer. Some rejections sent. Position filled with Paul Molliere.
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), faculty positions (ad)

Due Jan 15, 2021. news? Shortlist made, including Yi-Kuan Chiang, Daniel Harsono, Rahul Kannan, Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Maciek Wielgus. Offer made to Yi-Kuan Chiang

Appalachian State University, Assistant Professor - Physics & Astronomy (ad)

Due Dec. 15, 2020

Interview request received 1/19, Shortlist candidates invited (Feb. 16).  Search failed.

Ball State University, Physics and Astronomy Due Jan. 21. Any updates? Position filled.
Barry University, Assistant Professor Position in Physics (ad) Due April 5, 2021. First-round interviews sent April 12. Interviews include Ashkbiz Danehkar. 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Department of Physics (ad)

Multiple positions for assistant professors.

Senior applicants will also be considered

Positions open until filled. 

California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Division of Physics, Math, and Astronomy (ad)

Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2020, and will continue until the position is filled. Search is open to all areas of astrophysics and cosmology including experiment/instrumentation, observations, and theory. 

Offer made to Kareem El-Badry


California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences (GPS) (link) Shortlist invited (based on seminar schedule): Diana Powell, Jenny Bergner, Julia Tejada, Jasmina Wiemann, Brent Minchew. Two offers in geobiology? One offer made to Julia Tejada.
California State University, Chico, Physics Department (ad) Application deadline March 22, 2021; All areas of physics/astronomy considered. Kendall Hall
Carnegie Institution for Science, The Observatories, Staff Astronomer (ad)

Due Dec. 4, 2020, any news? extended shortlist candidates invited for short interview (Feb 4) 

Two offers made

Carnegie Mellon University Physics Department (ad)

Review of applications will begin on Jan 4 2020. "Medium-list" candidates invited for short interview (Feb 8).  Shortlist made (Feb 24)
University of California, Los Angeles, Faculty Position in Physics and Astrophysics (ad) Due Dec. 18, 2020, any news? Shortlist invitations sent out 2/10. But no rejections sent?
University of Chicago, Assistant Professor, Geophysical Sciences (ad) Due Nov. 1, 2021. "any area within the field of Earth and Planetary Sciences and related interdisciplinary research"
University of Chicago, Associate Professor, Geophysical Sciences (ad) Due Nov. 1, 2021. "any area within the field of Earth and Planetary Sciences and related interdisciplinary research"
University of Chicago, Assistant Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics (ad)

Review of applications will begin on November 2, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled. Some candidates invited for interviews (Dec 23). Shortlist includes Anna Rosen, Kareem El-Badry, Diana Powell, Kate Alexander (based on colloquium schedule). 

Offers made to Kareem El-Badry, Diana Powell, Jamie Law-Smith

University of Chicago, Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Astronomy & Astrophysics (ad)

Initial two-year tenure-track faculty appointment; normally be promoted to Assistant Professor at the end of a 2-year term. 

Review of applications will begin on November 2, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.

Any update?

Rejections set Feb. 5, 2021.

University of Chicago, Associate Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics (ad) Review of applications will begin on November 2, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.
Cooper Union & Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA), Flatiron Institute, Joint Faculty/Research Scientist position (ad)

Short list includes Collin Capano, Drummond Fielding, Michael Hahn, Nathan Leigh, Yao-Yuan Mao, Alice Pisani. 

Interviews completed. Offer made and accepted.

Cornell University Physics Department (ad) Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled. Shortlist notification received on December 17. Interviews completed. Offer made and accepted.
Universidad Diego Portales Due April 21, 2021. Shortlist made. First round of interviews concluded. Three offers made, including James Jenkins

Durham University, Institute for Computational Cosmology, Assistant Professor positions (ad)

Due Jan 31, 2021

Longlist candidates notified (March 11)

At least one offer made and accepted

EPFL, observational cosmology Due Nov. 5, 2020. Rejection received on Dec. 8.
Fudan University (ad)

Several positions. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2020 and will continue until the positions are filled.

Two candidates invited for online interviews (Feb 27)

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)
The University of Tokyo, Assistant Professor
Due Nov. 15, 2020. Shortlist made, including Yi-Kuan Chiang, Elisa Ferreira, Jia Liu, Volodymyr Takhistov, offers to Elisa Ferreira and Jia Liu
Macaulay Honors College (CUNY) and Center for Computational Astrophysics (Flatiron Institute) joint Research Assistant Professor (ad)

Note: position is for six years, not tenture-track at the outset.

Priority deadline May 15

MIT, Assistant Professor, Planetary Science (ad)

Notifications sent January 7. Rejections sent Jan 14.
Shortlist notifications sent February 5. Rejections sent February 8. Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (February/March 2021). Cuts to the shortlist made 4/7/2021. Offer made to Gaia Stucky de Quay and Richard Teague.

MIT, Assistant Professor, Astronomy (exoplanets), (ad)

Any news?

Interviews currently underway. Offers made to Andrew Vanderburg and Sarah Millholland.

US Naval Academy (ad), Assistant Professor (Physics) Due November 15, 2020, any news?
Leiden University (ad) One or more faculty positions. Application deadline (extended to April 2020 due to COVID-19). At least some shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (September 2020). Offer made to Nienke van der Marel
University of Leicester, Lecturer in Astrophysics, Planetary Science or Space Instrumentation (ad was removed from the web),  Due September 5th 2021. Any news?
University of Newcastle, Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics (ad) Due May 19th 2021. Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews, including Giacomo Fragione, Mariangela Bonavita. Offer accepted by David Rosario
Northwestern University, Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics (ad)

Due Feb. 15, 2021

Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews: Ana Bonaca, Marta Bryan, Kareem El-Badry, Ben Margalit, Adam Miller, Jason Wang. Some rejections sent Mar 5.  Nearly 200 applicants. Four offers made. 
Offers accepted by Adam Miller and Jason Wang.

Northwestern University, CIERA Board of Visitors Research Professorship (ad) Due Jan 15, 2021, Rejections sent (Feb 8). Offer made and accepted
Open University, Fixed-Term Lecturer in Exoplanets (ad) Due May 21st, shorlisted candidate invited for online interviews. Offer made to Mariangela Bonavita
Rice University, Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy (ad) Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (Jan 19), including Chat Hull, Anna Rosen. Offer made and accepted.
Pennsylvania State University (ad), tenure-track and tenured faculty positions in astronomy Due Jan. 15, 2021. any news? - Last contact with Eberly HR on Mar 29th, the College was still going through applications before sending to departments. Any updates?
Stanford University, Assistant Professor, Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences (ad) Due, Feb. 12th, 2021. Rejections sent Feb 23. Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (end March).
Stony Brook University, C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics (ad), Assistant Professor Due Dec 22, 2020. Shortlist made. Offer made to Vivian Miranda
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (ad), tenure and tenure-track Due Dec 2, 2020, interviews completed at the end of Dec, any news?
Sonoma State University (ad), Visiting Professor Due April 12, 2020, some candidates invited to online interviews (May 17), including Ashkbiz Danehkar.
STScI Astronomy/Scientist tenure-track Due May 1, 2021: applications are being reviewed, and a short list will be created soon. At least some candidates notified (Sept 28).
University of Texas at Austin (ad), Assistant Professor

Due Dec 11, 2020. Candidates invited. Rejections sent (Jan 29). Shorlist includes Diana Powell, Carlos Vargas, Kirk Barrow (based on colloquium schedule).

Offers made to Diana Powell, Jamie Law-Smith.

University of Texas at Austin, tenure and tenure-track, SDS department (ad)

Due Nov 30, 2020. 

Offer made and accepted (at least one astronomer).

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), tenure track Assistant Professor in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy / Radio-Astronomy and Astrophysics  (ad)

Due March 1, 2021. At least some candidates invited to online interviews (Feb 4), including Tanmoy Laskar, Giacomo Fragione.

At least 2 offers made in March 2021. One accepted

Offer made.

The College of New Jersey, Assistant Professor, Physics (ad) Finalist interviews completed early December. Offer made and accepted.
Trinity College, Assistant Professor of Physics (ad) Due Dec. 16, 2020, first round interview request Jan. 27, Finalist candidates invited (Feb. 18)
Truman State University, tenure-track Physics/Astronomy (ad) Due March 29, 2021, first round interview request Apr 7, including Ashkbiz Danehkar, Natalie Butterfield. Finalist candidates invited (Apr 16) including Natalie Butterfield. In person interviews 4/26. Any news? Search failed.
If they did not want to hire anyone, why they advertised it and took the time of candidates and their references!
Tsinghua University (ad), tenure-track and tenured faculty positions in astrophysics Due Nov. 30, 2020
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/6ab2f6f0), Several faculty positions in Astrophysics Due Nov.15, 2020.  3/2021: Offers made and accepted:  Gwenael Giacinti, Masahiro Ogihara

Texas A&M University (ad), Assistant Professor, Astronomy

Due Dec 11, 2020, longlisted candidates invited for online interview (1/25). Some shortlist candidates notified (2/26). Offer made to Justin Spilker.

TU Berlin and DLR —Professorship/department head on "Planetary science with focus on extrasolar planets" (https://eas.unige.ch/jobs.jsp?type=job&id=1303).

Due March 18, 2021. Shortlist included Lena Noack, Julia Venturini, Monika Lendl, Juan Cabrera, Sandra Jeffers, Stefan Kraus. 

Union College (https://jobs.union.edu/cw/en-us/job/492784), Assistant Professor, Physics & Astronomy Due Dec 1, 2020. Any news?
University of Alabama (ad), Assistant Professor, Astronomy and Astrophysics Due Jan 1, 2021. Some candidates invited to on-line chats, including Peter Brown, Giacomo Fragione, Tanmoy Laskar. Finalist candidates invited for interviews (2/19) including Tanmoy Laskar, Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil, Matthew Shultz, Jamie Tayar, Dom Walton (from colloquium schedule). Offer made (4/19).
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Assistant Professor (ad) Some candidates contacted for online interviews.
University of Amsterdam (ad), tenure-track faculty in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Exoplanets)

Due Jan 22, 2021.  Shortlist contacted, includes Sarah Rugheimer. 

Offer made to Richard Teague.

University of Florida (ad), Assistant Professor in Astronomy, Focus in AI/ML Due Jan 15, 2021. Longlist candidates invited for online interviews (2/19), including Tanmoy Laskar, Sarah Rugheimer. Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (3/9), including Tanmoy Laskar and Tansu Daylan. Offer made to Jaehan Bae.
University of Florida (ad), Assistant Professor in Theoretical Astrophysics Due Feb 15, 2021. Applications are invited from qualified candidates in all areas of theoretical astrophysics. Longlist candidates invited for online interviews (2/27). Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews in March, including Richard Anantua, Alice Pisani, Kirk Barrow, Vanessa Boehm, Jeff Andrews, Paul Fulda, Jia Liu, Daniel D'Orazio (from colloquium schedule).
University of Mary Washington, Assistant Professor of physics Due Nov. 30. Search completed and some rejections sent Mar 19.
University of Notre Dame (ad), Astronomy Due Nov. 15, 2020, initial shortlist notified. Some rejections sent Feb 12.  Offer made to Lauren Weiss.

University of the Pacific, Assistant Prof of Physics, (ad).

Review of applications to begin Jan 2021. Longlist contacted on 2/20. Shortlist contacted on 3/13. Offer made to Dustin Madison.
UC Berkeley (ad), Assistant Professor, Astronomy

Due Nov 30, 2020. Shortlist candidates invited. Rejections sent 2/18.

Wenbin Lu, Jane Huang, Ben Margalit, Kareem El-Badry, Siyao Xu.

Offer made to Wenbin Lu

University of Utah, Assistant Professor (ad) Due Nov 30, 2020. Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (1/26) scheduled for February and March, including Simon Birrer, Ana Bonaca, Kareem El-Badry, Kate Grier, Tanmoy Laskar, Yao-Yuan Mao, Jamie Tayar. Rejections sent (1/29). Offers accepted by Tanmoy Laskar and Yao-Yuan Mao.
Utah Valley University, Assistant Professor, Astronomy (ad) Due Dec 31, 2020. Shortlisted candidates invited for online interviews (Jan 24), including Ashkbiz Danehkar. Offer made (to whom?). No one was hired based on their website.
University of Southern California, Physics and Astronomy, Assistant Professor (ad) Due Dec. 15, 2020, Longlist made (1/6). Rejections sent (1/12). Shortlist contacted (1/26).
University of Sydney / ASTRO 3D   Application deadline Feb 14.  First round of interviews ~ March 10. Top 3 candidates invited for second round of interviews taking place ~march 22/23. selection to be made before end of march. Offer made (3/26).
University of Tampa, Physics and Astronomy (ad)

First round interviews completed week of Jan. 18

Finalist candidates invited (Jan. 28), including Richard Anantua

Offer made and accepted (1 of 2)



University of Washington (Seattle), Dept of. Earth & Space Sciences, Assistant Professor position in planetary science (ad) Due May 7, 2021. Candidates contacted for preliminary short interviews (5/21). Shortlist made.
Washington University in St. Louis (ad) Due March 15, 2021. Some online long-list candidates contacted (3/25). Shortlist candidates invited for virtual visit (4/6), including Josh Dillon and Tansu Daylan. Offers made to Andrina Nicola and Yajie Yuan, both accepted
Wesleyan University, Astronomy, Assistant professor (ad) Due Dec 15, 2020, candidates invited for formal interviews.  Offer made to Sarah Wellons.
Westminster College, Assistant Professor of Physics Due Mar 1, 2021. Candidates invited for online interviews (3/2). Offer made to Matteo Luisi and accepted.
Widener University, Assistant Professor Astronomy and Physics (ad)

Due Dec. 31, 2020

First round notifications sent 1/18; Finalist candidates invited (Jan. 30)

York University, The Allan I. Carswell Chair for the Public Understanding of Astronomy (ad) Appointment will be at the Associate or Full Professor level. Due Nov 19, 2020. Some rejections sent (1/18). Interviews scheduled for February and March. Shortlist includes Sarah Rugheimer. Offer made and accepted to Sarah Rugheimer.
York University, Open Rank Position in Biology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics, or Statistics (ad) Open to qualified individuals who self-identify as Black peoples of African Descent. Deadline extended to Jan. 15, 2021. Position filled in Mathematics.  
California State University Long Beach, Assistant Professor of Astronomy (Job Ad) Due Nov. 1, 2021. 


Science Staff and Management Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Astronomer / Instrument Project Scientist (ESO Faculty, ad)

Application deadline August 31 2020. Interviews in September, included Julien Girard, Sylvestre Lacour, Elena Valenti. Offer made and accepted.

George Mason University, Senior Research Scientist (ad) Due Oct 27, 2020. Virtual interview request received (Oct 20), including Ashkbiz Danehkar. Rejection sent on Nov 12.
United Arab Emirates University / National Space Science and Technology Center - two Senior Researcher positions related to EMM science and Earth/Mars atmospheric retrievals (apply via Jobs@UAEU, ad1, ad2)

First interviews conducted in October/November 2020.

Three offers made but declined.

Applications are still being accepted for both positions, which remain open until filled.

University of Arizona, Lunar & Planetary Laboratory/Department of Planetary Sciences: Director/Department Chair Interviews will begin in late September, 2020, to include:  Rosaly Lopes, Humberto Campins, Mark Marley. Offer made and accepted: Mark Marley.
UK Astronomy Technology Centre (Edinburgh, UK) - Senior Software Engineer (ad) Application deadline 22 November 2020.
University of Hawaii IfA director Finalists announced 20 October 2020: Ken Chambers, Laura Ferrarese, Doug Simons. Search postponed Oct 29. Search reopened February 2021, Laura Ferrarese withdrew.
University of Washington / Vera C. Rubin Observatory Research Scientist (up to 3 openings; ad) Solar System and ML positions filled (12 Mar).
Resident Astronomer, Hobby-Eberly Telescope, McDonald Observatory, University of Texas at Austin (ad) Application deadline 15 Feb 2021
ESA Scientist Liaison Position (ad Application deadline 15 Oct 2020. Shortlist informed December 2nd, 2020. First round interviews late December 2020, included Sarah Rugheimer. Position filled (Victoria Grinberg)
STScI Staff Scientists (ad

Application deadline Friday, September 18, 2020. First round phone screenings complete. Last round of interviews nearly complete (2/16).

Offers have started going out.

NRAO Assistant Scientist (ad)

 Deadline March 1st. Any news? Some rejections sent 4/28, first round of interviews week of 5/3. Additional rejections sent May 20.

NRAO Astronomer (ad) Deadline June 15th.  Longlist notified 22 July.  Shortlist notified 6 August.  Offers made and accepted.  Final rejections sent 8 Oct.
NASA AST Program Scientist (ad) Deadline May 11. Any news? Short-list contacted for Interviews (early August).
SOFIA Instrument Scientist EXES Deadline November 11
SOFIA Instrument Scientist GREAT/FIFI-LS/HAWC+  
SOFIA Observatory Scientist Deadline August 17
UK Astronomy Technology Centre; project scientist for SKAO (ad) Deadline July 16. Interviews late July


Faculty Shuffle

Person (alphabetical) Old Institution New Institution
Selma de Mink Harvard MPA
Julianne Dalcanton UW Flatiron CCA Director
Suvi Gezari   University of Maryland STScI
Pablo Laguna  Georgia Tech  University of Texas, Austin
Deirdre Shoemaker Georgia Tech University of Texas, Austin
Britney Schmidt Georgia Tech Cornell
Chris Conselice Nottingham Manchester
Abigail Crites Toronto Cornell
José Gregorio Fernández Trincado Universidad de Atacama Universidad Católica del Norte
Marilena Loverde Stonybrook University of Washington
Juna Kollmeier Carnegie Observatories CITA Director / University of Toronto
Raffaella Margutti Northwestern Berkeley
Ryan Chornock Northwestern Berkeley
Marc Seigar University of Minnesota Duluth

University of Toledo (Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics)

Andrew Vanderburg

University of Wisconsin-Madison MIT
Alkistis Pourtsidou QMUL Edinburgh
Renbin Yan University of Kentucky

Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

James Jenkins Universidad de Chile Universidad Diego Portales

Postdoc & Term Page - Previous Years

Page last modified on Thursday 09 of June, 2022 20:43:05 EDT