
Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill - Faculty & Staff

Postdoc & Term Page - Previous Years


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Tenure Track Faculty Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ad) Application deadline Jan. 10, 2019. Some shortlist candidates contacted for on-site interview (01/31), including Yuan-Sen Ting, Kohei Hayashi.
AIP Head of the Section “Supercomputing and E-Science”, Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany (ad) Application deadline Feb. 15, 2019.  Shortlist candidates contacted, including Yuan-Sen Ting, David Nidever. Offer made to David Nidever (declined)
AIP Senior Optical Engineer (ad, application form) Due April 30, 2019.
Angelo State University (ad)

preference for astronomy/astrophysics background
at least some phone interviews complete (11/12)
Some on-campus interview requests received (will take place late January).

Arizona State University (ad) Application deadline Dec. 1, 2018. Some reference letters requested (1/23).  Some candidates contacted for campus visits, including Allison Noble
Australian National University  One offer made to Yuan-Sen Ting
Bard College (ad) Application deadline Oct 1. Some on-site interview requests received, including Clara Sousa-Silva. Offers made to Shuo Zhang and Clara Sousa-Silva. Updates as of 2/27 ??
Boise State University (ad) The deadline for applications is 11:59 PM Mountain Time on Sunday, October 13, 2019.
Bowdoin College (ad)

Application deadline Oct 4.  At least some longlist candidates contacted. 

California Institute of Technology (ad)

Review begins Nov 1, but applications accepted until the position is filled. Search is open across all areas of physics and astrophysics. Any news?
Cambridge University (ad) Application deadline Dec. 3, 2018. Some interview invitations received. Includes Stephen Taylor, Daniel Gruen, Laura Kreidberg.
Carleton University, astroparticle theory (ad) Deadline: Dec. 15, applications will be accepted until position is filled.
Carnegie Mellon, time-domain astrophysics (ad) Deadline Nov 1st.  Shortlist contacted for on-site interviews (12/18). Includes Stephen Taylor, Carl Rodriguez. Offer made to Carl Rodriguez.
Columbia University, experimental/observational gravitational waves (ad) Deadline: Dec. 15, but applications accepted until position is filled. Any update? Search cancelled?
Columbia University, cosmology experiment (ad) Deadline: Dec. 15, but applications accepted until position is filled. Some candidates contacted for campus visits, including Daniel Gruen, Colin Hill, Elisa Chisari, Josh Dillon, Eric Baxter, Jia Liu. Offer made to Colin Hill.

Cardiff University, Exoplanets (ad)

Some interview invitations received (9/7/18). Names?
Cardiff University Freeke van de Voort 
Clemson University, multimessenger (ad) Application deadline Nov 1.  Position open until filled. Some invitations for Skype interviews sent (11/18/18), including Massimo Gaspari, Gautham Narayan. Some rejections sent (12/20/18).
CUNY Graduate Center, Senior hire in the Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences, Physics (ad) Open until filled with review of applications to begin on January 28, 2019.
DTU Space, Copenhagen, Associate Professor in observational cosmology (ad) Application deadline Oct 15, 2018. Some rejections sent (2/11/19). Offer made and accepted.

Duke University, Cosmology (ad)

Application deadline Nov 1, 2018.  Some rejections sent. Some candidates contacted for interviews including Vivian Miranda, Yao-Yuan Mao, Elisa Chisari, Peter Melchior. 
Durham (ad) Application deadline Jan. 3, 2019. Some rejections sent Jan. 29, 2019. Long list includes Nithyanandan Thyagarajan, Jessie Runnoe.
Durham: Director of the Institute for Computational Cosmology (ad) Application deadline Feb. 12, 2019. Shortlist includes Mark Krumholz, Christiano Porciani. Offered to Christiano Porciani
Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Full Professor in Experimental Astroparticle Physics (ad) Application deadline Aug 31, 2018. Shortlist made, interviews scheduled for beginning of December. Shortlist includes: Manuel Meyer.
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (ad) Deadline Oct. 1, 2018. Some have been contacted for in-person interviews.
Graz, Technical University and Space Research Institute (ad) two offers made: Lisa Kaltenegger (declined), Ansgar Reiners (declined)
Imperial College London, Exoplanets (ad)  
Iowa State, Cluster Theory Hire (ad)

Some longlist candidates contacted for interviews (1/29), including Massimo Gaspari, Jake Simon, Gautham Narayan, Elena Giusarma

Shortlist made, including Jake Simon, Gautham Narayan 

Offer made to Jake Simon

Kavli IPMU (ad) Shortlist includes Alvise Raccanelli. Invitation for on-campus visit includes Alvise Raccanelli, Elisa Chisari, Alessandro Sonnenfeld.
KIAA, Peking University (ad) Application Deadline: November 15. Offer made to Yuan-Sen Ting (declined).
University of Kansas, Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics (ad) Application Deadline: Saturday, November 10, 2018. Some phone interviews scheduled. Some on-site interview requests received, including Michael Tremmel, Eli Visbal, Justin Spilker, Vivian U, George Privon. Offer made to Elisabeth Mills.
Leiden University (ad) Application Deadline: January 25. Rejections sent. Five people invited for interviews: Ana Bonaca, Laura Kreidberg, Yamila Miguel, Paola Pinilla, and Ciro Pinto. 
Louisiana State University (ad) Application Deadline: January 15.  Some candidates invited for campus visits, including Jessie Runnoe, David Nidever, Gautham Narayan, Matthew Penny. Offer made to David Nidever (declined). Matthew Penny.
Loyola University Chicago (ad) Application Deadline: December 10
Lund University (ad) Application deadline: February 28. Shortlist made.
MPI for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity", Group Leader position (ad)

Due January 20, 2019, but applications accepted until position is filled.Offer made and accepted.

MPIA Heidelberg staff position (ad) Application deadline February 1. Shortlist contacted for interviews. Shortlist includes (from seminar schedule): Chervin Laporte, Frederick Davies, Annalisa Pillepich, Michaela Hirschmann
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Staff position (ad) Application deadline January 31. Some interviews have taken place. Esra Bulbul
Michigan Tech (ad) Application Deadline: November 30.  Some longlisted candidates contacted, including Jessie Runnoe, Jake Simon, Gautham Narayan. 

Shortlist includes: Jake Simon, Gautham Narayan, Jessie Runnoe, Elena Giusarma. Offer made (declined 3/26).
Montclair State University (ad) Invitations for phone interviews sent (11/21/2018). Campus visits start Dec 3 2018, invitations sent. Shortlist includes Sarah Vigeland.
New Mexico State University, planetary systems (ad) Application deadline January 7. Letter requests sent before 1/21/19. Skype interviews scheduled.  Shorlist made several weeks ago (3/26). On-site interviews completed. Offer made to Wladimir Lyra.
Newcastle University (ad) Some rejections sent. Shortlist contacted for interviews. Shortlist contacted for on-site interviews. Offer made to Danielle Leonard.
NTNU Trondheim, theoretical astroparticle physics (https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/163471/professor-associate-professor-in-theoretical-astroparticle-physics) dealine: March 17, 2019
Penn State, data science (ad) Application deadline Dec. 31, 2018. Offer made to Yuan-Sen Ting.

Princeton University, Assistant Professor in Statistical Astronomy (ad)

Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2018. Shortlist made and contacted, including Peter Melchior, Adrian Price-Whelan. Offer made to Peter Melchior
Purdue University, EAPS Dept., Planetary Atmospheres and/or Planetary Physics (ad) Evaluations begin Jan. 2, 2019. Recommendation letters requested for first shortlist (1/9/2019), including Ramses Ramirez. Some have been contacted for in-person interviews (1/29/2019). Five offers made and accepted. Brandon Johnson, Alexandria Johnson, Stephanie Olson, Ali Bramson, and Mike Sori.
Queen's University Belfast (ad) Some rejections sent Nov. 30, 2018. Shortlist contacted for interviews. Offer made to Meg Schwamb.
Queen's University, Kingston ON (ad) Application deadline Jan 15 2019. Shortlist includes Chiara Mingarelli, Coral Wheeler.  Offer made to Laura Fissel.
Radboud University (ad) Selection ongoing. Shortlist includes Stephen Taylor, Anne Archibald.
Rochester Institute of Technology (ad) some candidates contacted for phone interviews (12/20/18). Includes Stephen Taylor, Chiara Mingarelli, Allison Noble.  Shortlist includes Jake Simon, Matthew Bayliss, Vivian U.  Offer made and accepted. 
Regis University (ad) Application deadline Jan 6 2019.  Letters of recommendation and additional statement requested from semifinalists (Feb 4).
Saint Mary's College of California (ad) Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Application deadline Dec. 31, 2018. Offer to Aaron Lee.
St. Mary's University (Halifax) Some candidates invited for on-campus interviews (25 Jan). Shorlist includes George Privon. Offer made to Vincent Hénault-Brunet.
San Francisco State University (Observational Astronomy) (ad) Application deadline Dec. 19, 2018. Some phone interviews scheduled. Some candidates contacted for phone interviews including Vivian Miranda, Jeff Carlin. Some in-person interviews scheduled. Offer to Sarah Ballard (declined). Offers to John Brewer and Charli Sakari.
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (ad) Shortlist includes Alvise Raccanelli. Invitation for on-campus visit includes Alvise Raccanelli.
SISSA, Multimessenger (ad) Appication deadline Jun 30. Longlist includes: Sara Buson, Bryn Haskell, Chiara Mingarelli, Albino Perego, Mario SperaPeter Veres. Offer made to Chiara Mingarelli (10/8/18)
SLAC / Panofsky (ad) Shortlisted candidates invited for interviews
Southern Methodist University (ad) Application deadline Oct 31. Shortlist includes Jeremy Sakstein, Eli Visbal, David Nichols, Krista Lynne Smith. Offer made to Krista Lynne Smith.
Stockholm University (Microphysical Astronomy) Rejections Sent. Shortlist includes (in alphabetical order) Timothy Linden, Angnis Schmidt-May, Aurel Schneider and others. Offers made to Tim Linden and David Marsh.
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (ad) Application deadline 4 March 2019.

T.D. Lee Institute,  Shanghai https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/e7626ab8 

Application deadline Feb, 28, 2019
Texas A&M University-Commerce (ad)

 Application deadline Sept 7, 2018. Long list made; candidates to be contacted for phone interviews in coming days. (9/24)  On-campus interviews completed (11/12). Offer made to Shuo Zhang (11/12), declined.  Two additional offers made, declined (12/15). Search reopened (12/31).  Search likely to be cancelled due to funding issues (1/29). 

Texas State University (ad) Application deadline Jan 1, 2019. Longlist contacted for Skype interviews. Offer made to Andrea Banzatti.
Tsinghua University (ad Application deadline Nov. 30, 2018. Shortlist includes Alessandro Sonnenfeld. One offer made to Yuan-Sen Ting (declined).
UCL / MSSL (ad) Application deadline Dec. 31, 2018. Candidates contacted for video interviews, including Yuan-Sen Ting, Laura Watkins. Some candidates invited for in-person interviews, including Paul McMillan. Offer made to Vincent Van Eylen.
United Arab Emirates University, Mars atmosphere science with EMM (ad) Applications due 20 February. Offer made to Roland Young.
United States Naval Academy (ad) Application review begins Nov. 15. Some references requested (Nov.20). Offer made to Matthew Knight.
University of Alabama, astronomy/astrophysics (ad) Application review begins Dec. 31, 2018. Some longlist candidates notified (1/23) including Gautham Narayan, Jessie Runnoe. Shortlist candidates notified (2/22). Includes Gautham Narayan, Jessie Runnoe, Matthew Penny. Letter sent to shortlisted candidate(s?) not selected.
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), astrophysics (ad) Application deadline Dec. 15, 2018. Over 50 applicants. Shortlist made, including Massimo Gaspari, Matthew Bayliss. Offer made to Stephen Walker
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), Pei-Ling Chan Chair of Physics (ad) Application deadline Dec. 15, 2018
University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH), Space Physics (ad) Shortlist includes: Sofia Moschou
University of Amsterdam (ad) Offer made to Antonija Oklopcic.
University of British Columbia (ad) Application deadline Nov. 30, 2018. Some shortlist candidates contacted for on-site interview (02/07), including Simon Knapen, Jessica McIver, and Yuan-Sen Ting. Offer made to Jessica McIver.
University of California, Santa Barbara, theoretical astrophysics (ad) Application deadline Dec. 1, 2018 for full consideration. Candidates contacted for video interviews, including Colin Hill, Coral Wheeler. Shortlisted candidates invited for on-campus interviews.
University of Chicago (associate ad) Application deadline Jan 31, 2019.
University of Chicago (assistant ad) Application deadline Nov. 30, 2018. Some shortlisted candidates contacted for in-person interviews (1/22/19), including Vivian U, Marta Bryan.
University of Cincinnati (ad) Applications due Nov. 15, 2018 for full consideration. Longlist contacted for Skype/Phone interviews.  Shortlist includes Jake Simon, Allison Noble, Matthew Bayliss.  Offer made to Matthew Bayliss
University of Colorado Boulder (ad) Two positions; application review begins December 1, 2018.  Some shortlisted candidates contacted for in-person interviews (1/17/19), including Carl Rodriguez. Offer made to Meredith MacGregor, Erica Nelson.
University of Connecticut (ad) Application deadline Dec. 1, 2018.  Shortlist made, including Chiara Mingarelli, Massimo Gaspari, Elisa Chisari, Daniel Angles-Alcazar, Adrian Price-Whelan.  Offers made to Chiara Mingarelli and Daniel Angles-Alcazar
University of Exeter, Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor (ad) Deadline 31st January, 2019. Some interview invitations sent Feb 15.
University of Exeter, Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics (Education and Research) (ad) Deadline 31st January, 2019. Some interview invitations sent Feb 13.
University of Florida (Star Formation) ad Application deadline Nov 11th, 2018.  Shortlist made, including  Anna McLeod, George Privon.  Offer made to Anna McLeod (declined). Offer made to Adam Ginsburg.
University of Florida (Stellar/Planetary Astrophysics) ad Application deadline Nov 11th 2018. Shortlist made, including, Yuan-Sen Ting. Offers to Sarah Ballard and Rana Ezzeddine.
University of Georgia (Comp. Astro.) (ad) Application deadline Nov. 15, 2018. Shortlist made, including Jake Simon, Massimo Gaspari. First offer sent.  Offer made to Jake Simon (declined). 
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy (ad) At the IfA in Hilo. Closing date, Dec. 1 2018. Application review ongoing as of 1/10/2019. Some telephone interviews have happened. Rejections sent
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy -and- Physics & Astronomy (ad) Multiple positions. Applications due Nov. 19. Phone interviews scheduled, including Alvise Raccanelli, Coral Wheeler. Some candidates invited for on-campus interviews, including Daniel Gruen, Jeremy Sakstein, Alvise Raccanelli, Tim Linden, Coral Wheeler, Eric Baxter. At least two offers made to Eric Baxter and Jeremy Sakstein.
University of Heidelberg & Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (Full Professorship; ad) Application deadline Nov 30, 2018. Shortlist contacted for interviews.
University of Iowa (ad) Space-based instrumentation (astronomy, heliophysics, planetary science). Applications due Oct. 15. Short list including Laura Fissel, Tsuguo Aramaki
University of Illinois, gravitational physics (ad) Review of applications begins Nov 14.  Some shortlist candidates invited for on-campus interviews (12/20), including Carl Rodriguez
University of Illinois, astronomy (ad) Applications due Oct 31. Some candidates contacted for Skype interviews (12/07). Some candidates invited for on-campus interviews, including Daniel Gruen, Gautham Narayan, Elisa Chisari, Peter Melchior. Gautham Narayan.
University of Maryland (ad) Applications due Nov 15. Shortlist has been notified. Shortlist includes Coral Wheeler, Massimo Gaspari, Chang-Goo Kim. Offer made to Benedikt Diemer.
University of Melbourne (ad) Applications due Jan 4. Some shortlist applicants notified, including Katie Auchettl, Vivian U, Emily Wisnioski, Tiantian Yuan. Offer made to Katie Auchettl.
University of Minnesota (ad) Applications due November 30, 2018. Applications from all areas of theoretical and observational astrophysics will be considered, with a particular emphasis on multi-messenger astrophysics. Some applicants contacted for phone interviews. Includes Stephen Taylor, Sarah Vigeland, Chris Pankow. Shortlist contacted for campus interviews (12/21). Shortlist includes Sarah Vigeland, Stephen Taylor.
University of Mississippi, gravitational physics/astrophysics (ad) Review of applications begins December 1, 2018. Some applicants contacted for phone interviews. Includes Stephen Taylor, Sarah Vigeland, David Nichols. Some candidates contacted for campus interviews, including Stephen Taylor, Sarah Vigeland.
University of Missouri - Kansas City (ad) Application deadline Jan. 4, 2019. Some invitations for phone interviews sent (01/19/19), including Massimo Gaspari, Jeff Carlin, Coral Wheeler. Some campus interviews scheduled including Eli Visbal, Allison Noble, Massimo Gaspari.
University of New South Wales (ad) Offer made (school of physics) to Ben Montet.
University of North Georgia (ad) Application deadline Apr 15, 2019. Offer made and accepted.
University of Rochester (ad) Astronomy and Astrophysics (primarily observational/experimental); Applications accepted until the position is filled; consideration begins Nov 15. Offer made (declined).
University of Sao Paulo (cosmology, ad) Elisa Ferreira
University of Southern Califorina (USC) (ad) Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor in Theoretical Astrophysics or Cosmology. Shortlist includes Chiara Mingarelli, Yuan-Sen Ting, Elisa Chisari.
University of Pittsburgh (astro or high energy machine learning, ad) Application deadline Nov. 1. Shortlist candidates notified in December.
University of Pittsburgh (astro, ad) Application deadline Nov. 1. Shortlist candidates notified, including Yao-Yuan Mao, Eddie Schlafly, Sarah Wellons. Offer made to Evan Schneider.
University of Potsdam (ad)

Application deadline Aug 31, 2018. Invitation for interview received (Nov 27). Interviews will be taking place from Jan 7 to Feb 8.

University of South Carolina (ad) Theoretical physics, expertise in particle physics, astrophysics or cosmology.   Application deadline Dec 31, 2018.
University of Toledo (ad) Some applicants contacted for Skype interviews, including Jessie Runnoe, Chang-Goo Kim. Shortlist includes Eli Visbal, Allison Noble, Matthew Bayliss. Offer made to Eli Visbal.
University of Toronto (ad) Astro instrumentation.  Application deadline Nov 15, 2018.  Some shortlisted candidates contacted for in-person interviews. Some interviewees notified of decision.

University of Utah (ad)

Application deadline Dec. 1st, 2018.  Computational and statistical astrophysicists particularly encouraged to apply. Some shortlisted candidates contacted for in-person interviews, including Nicola Amorisco, Daniel Gruen, Yuan-Sen Ting. Some rejections sent (02/21). Offer made to Freeke van de Voort (declined).
University of Utrecht Application deadline Nov 15th 2018. Assistant Professor in Theoretical Cosmology position. Some rejections notified on Feb. 15th. Offer made and accepted.
University of Valparaiso (ad) Application deadline July 17, 2019. Any news? Email sent out on 31st July to say the selection procedure has been delayed. Some interview requests sent (26th September)
University of Vienna (ad) Application deadline Jan. 7, 2019.
University of Virginia, Astronomy (ad) Application deadline Jan 11, 2019.  Some shortlisted candidates contacted (2/19).
University of Virginia, Physics (ad)

Application deadline Nov 1, 2018.  Gravity/GR related theory. Shortlist contacted for campus interviews (12/21). Shortlist includes Sarah Vigeland, Jeremy Sakstein, Stephen Taylor, David Nichols. Offer made to David Nichols.

University of Wisconsin - Madison (ad) Applications due Dec. 1, 2018. Application review ongoing as of 1/10/2019. Any news? Some candidates invited on-campus (1/25), including Philip Mocz, Andrew Vanderburg, Ke Zhang. Rejection email received (2/8). Any news (3/19)? Offers made to Andrew Vanderburg and Ke Zhang.
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (ad) Review of applications begins Dec. 1, 2018. Any news? Some candidates invited for phone/skype interviews (2/7), including Stephen Taylor, Gautham Narayan, Sarah Vigeland. Shortlist notified (2/25), includes Stephen Taylor, Gautham Narayan, Ragnhild Lunnan, Allison Noble. Two offers made and accepted, including Sarah Vigeland.
Vanderbilt University (ad) Assistant Professor of Astrophysics. Deadline Nov 15, 2018. Candidates contacted for phone interviews, including Chiara Mingarelli, Carl Rodriguez, Stephen Taylor, Sarah Vigeland, Jessie Runnoe. Some candidates contacted for campus interviews, including Stephen Taylor, Jessie Runnoe, Carl Rodriguez, Chiara Mingarelli.  Offer made to Jessie Runnoe and Stephen Taylor.
Villanova University (ad) Applications due Nov. 1, 2018 for full consideration. Open search, but sharing departmental research interests (including gravitational waves, CMB, black hole astrophysics, and star formation) is a plus. Some semi-finalists contacted for Skype interviews, including Jonathan Cornell, Stephen Taylor. Finalists contacted for campus visits.
Washington University (ad) Applications due Dec. 1, 2018; accepting applications until Jan 4, 2019. Experimental/lab astro faculty.  Some letters requested.  Some phone interviews scheduled. Some shortlisted candidates contacted for interviews.  Offer made and accepted.
Western Washington University, Planetary Science (ad) Phone interviews scheduled. Any news?
Yale (ad) Deadline Nov. 17, 2018. Shortlist created.
York University, HEP/astroparticle/cosmo theory (ad) Deadline Nov. 20, 2018. Some candidates contacted for video interviews (Jan. 22), including Colin Hill and Simon Foreman. Shortlisted candidates contacted for on-campus interviews, including Simon Foreman.
Rutgers University,  Planetary Science (ad) Deadline Nov. 16, 2018. Recommendation letters requested for first shortlist back in November 2018. Shortlist contacted for interviews (1/14/2019)? Lujendra Ojha,


Science Staff and Management Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Arecibo Observatory

Review in progress

Boston University (Senior Research Scientist/ Observatory Manager, based in Flagstaff) (ad) Position filled.
Columbia Public Schools Planetarium Director (Columbia, Missouri) (ad) Applications open, rolling deadline, for full consideration submit applications by Oct ~8.  For enquiries contact Mike Szydlowski, district science coordinator.
Flatiron Institute (Associate Research Scientist) (ad) Due 12/15.  Some shortlist notifications sent. Includes Stephen Taylor, Elisa Chisari, Colin Hill, Ben Montet.  Offers made.
Las Cumbres Observatory Staff Scientist (ad) Marshall Johnson
NASA Ames Research Center (4 positions, ad) Applications due April 1, 2019. Some notifications that candidates have been referred to the selecting official have been sent.
NASA JPL Small Body Scientist (ad) Applications by June 15, 2019 for full consideration
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, North American ALMA Science Center (scientist -- open rank, based in Charlottesville)  (ad) Applications due May 31, 2019
STScI ESA/AURA Astronomer (ad) Some shortlist visits scheduled. Shortlist includes: Jessie Runnoe, Laura Watkins.
STScI Research Scientist (exoplanets, ad)

Offers made to Ben Montet (declined), Néstor Espinoza.

Notre Dame (exoplanets) Applications due February 15.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab Research Scientist (ad) Applications open, review in progress
Lick Observatory Support Astronomer (ad) Last review of applications 10/12/2018, any news?
WIYN/NEID Staff Scientist (ad) Phone interviews conducted. On-site interviews conducted.  Offer made and accepted.
Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Service Observer (ad)  


Faculty Shuffle

Person (alphabetical) Old Institution New Institution
Adam Amara ETH  ICG Portsmouth
Natalie Batalha NASA Ames Research Center UCSC
Ian Crossfield MIT University of Kansas
Selma de Mink University of Amsterdam Harvard
Vera Gluscevic University of Florida USC
Phil Hinz Arizona UCSC
Jason Kalirai Space Telescope Science Institute

JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Andrew Levan Warwick Radboud University Nijmegen
Wladimir Lyra CalState-Northridge New Mexico State University
Jeff McMahon University of Michigan University of Chicago
David Nidever NOAO Montana State University
David Silva NOAO UT San Antonio
Katie Freese  University of Michigan University of Texas, Austin
Xavier Siemens University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Oregon State University
Steve Squyres Cornell Blue Origin


Postdoc & Term Page - Previous Years

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