
Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill - Faculty & Staff

Postdoc & Term Page - Previous Years


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Tenure Track Faculty Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Arizona State University, Open-Rank Planetary Science Professor (open to all related subfields in the natural sciences or engineering) (ad) Initial application deadline October 19, 2023. See ad for full details and application requirements
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA), Faculty Positions in Observation Theory, and Instrumentation (ad)

Due January 15, 2023
Any news?

Agnes Scott College, Assistant Professor of Astronomy (ad) Due January 6, 2023
Arizona State University, Assistant Professor of Physics (open to all subfields or topical areas of experimental and theoretical physics) (ad)

Due December 1, 2022. 

Some reference letters requested (02/08)

Some zoom meetings requested (02/09)

No astronomers shortlisted

Bates College (Maine), Department of Physics and Astronomy, open to all subfields (ad)

Application review begins Nov 14, 2022.
Rejections sent (01/03). 

Baylor University Assistant Professor in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Complex Plasma Physics, or Space Physics (ad) Due October 1, 2022. Short list has interviewed.
University of Birmingham Assistant/Associate professor in Astrophysics (ad)

Due 12 April. Any news?

Interviews scheduled for 24-26th May. Four candidates are invited

Boston University (Astronomy Department), Assistant Professor in Cosmology (ad) Due November 1, 2022. requests for short zoom interviews to select shortlist (1/13). Shortlist notified for on-campus interviews. Offer made to Dillon Brout.
Boston University (Physics Department), Assistant Professor in Cosmology (ad) Due December 1, 2022. Shortlist notified for on-campus interviews (1/28). From the seminar schedule, the shortlist includes Macarena Lagos, Selim Hotinli, Giovanni Cabass, Matt Lewandowski, Nicholas Rodd, Hongwan Liu, and Azadeh Moradinezhad. Offer made to Hongwan Liu.
Bridgewater State University, Assistant Professor (ad) Due January 6, 2022. Some requests for phone interviews (1/23).  At least one candidate invited for campus visit (02/01).
Butler University Due December 15, 2022.  Applications being reviewed.
California Institute of Technology (Physics, Math, & Astronomy Division), Assistant Professor in Experimental or Theoretical Physics (open to all areas of physics, including astrophysics and astronomy both observational and theoretical) (ad) Due December 31, 2022 (applications accepted until this time, though review begins Nov 7, 2022). Shortlist is interviewing. Shortlist included Shany Danieli and Illaria Caiazzo. No offer made in astronomy.
California State University Los Angeles (ad) Due December 1, 2022. Longlist notified. Shortlist notified. One offer accepted.
Carnegie Institution for Science (Washington, DC campus), Staff Scientist in Geochemistry/Cosmochemistry (ad) Due November 15th, 2022. Recommendation letters requested. Zoom interview invited.
Centenary College of Louisiana  
College of Charleston, Instructor in Physics (ad) Due December 1, 2022.
Connecticut College, Lecturer (ad) Due February 24,2023. On-campus interviews for shortlist candidates in-progress. Offer made (4/11).
CU Boulder (Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences Department), Assistant Professor in Astronomy/Astrophysics (ad) Application review begins December 1, 2022. Rejections sent Feb. 2. Six candidates shortlisted out of 187 applicants. From the colloquium schedule, the shortlist includes Iryna Butsky, Wren Suess, Sebastian Pineda, Katie Grasha, Eileen Gonzales. 
CU Boulder (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, LASP), Assistant Professor in Planetary Science (ad)

Application review begins November 28, 2022.  Letters requested.

Some rejections sent 3/13. 6 shortlist notified.

Offer made


Cornell University, Assistant Professor in any area of Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Planetary Science (ad)

Application review begins November 1, 2022, rolling review through December. Some candidates contacted for longlist interviews (Dec 13). At least some shortlist candidates notified Jan 6. Shortlist (from colloquium schedule): Brandon Hensley, Drummond Fielding, Floor Broekgaarden, Ilaria Caiazzo, Cauê Borlina, Eileen Gonzales, Merel van 't Hoff, Ben Margalit

Drew University, Asssistant Professor in Physics (ad) Due November 30, 2022
Duke University, (Physics Department), Assistant Professor in Astrophysics/Cosmology (ad) Due December 1, 2022. Shortlist to be finalized near end of January (no longlist). Some shortlist interviews requested. Rejections sent 3/11/23. 153 applicants.
George Washington University. Assistant Professor in Observational High-Energy Astrophysics (ad)

Due Dec. 19, 2022.

Georgia Tech, Assistant Professor in Planetary and Space Sciences (ad)

Due October 1, 2022. Recommendation letters requested on Nov. 2nd, 2022. Any updates after rec letters requested? Any long list interviews? Some interviews already scheduled. Offer made.

Harvard University, Assistant Professor of Astronomy

Application review begins on November 18, 2022;

7 short list interviews scheduled.

Rejections sent (01/10)

Two offers made. One offer accepted by Ashley Villar (link).

Imperial College London, Lecturer in Planetary Science Due 23 January 2023

Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and Professor positions
in all areas of science including
Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences and Astronomy, Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics. (ad)

Due October 27, 2022

Some delays expected due to the hack (info here)

Some letters requested Jan 2 (assistant professor). Only letter writers notified.

Shortlisted candidates notified Jan 27, 2023

Two offers accepted: Ylva Gotberg and Ilaria Caiazzo. Some rejections sent. The process is still ongoing.

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) open-rank faculty position in any area of astrophysics (ad)

Application review begins December 15, 2022

Shortlist candidates notified January 24, 2023

At least two offers made and accepted including Meredith MacGregor, Floor Broekgaarden.

Lancaster University, Lecturer (i.e. Asst Prof) x2 in Observational Astrophysics (ad)

Due 31 December, 2022. One position expected to focus on time-domain (e.g. GW/multi-messenger), the other on areas that complement & enhance existing group strengths.

Two offers made and accepted

Lise Meitner Excellence Program (ad)

Due 31 October, 2022.
Louisiana State University (LSU), Assistant Professor in the area of Astrophysics(ad)

Due January 15th, 2023. Long list made. Reference letters requested. Short list candidates invited to in-person interviews. Two offers made and both accepted.

Lycoming College, Assistant Professor of Astronomy & Physics (ad) Due November 8, 2022. Zoom interviews in mid Dec, short list notified for on campus visits in Jan/Feb, offer made and accepted

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
(MIT) (ad)

Due Dececmber 1, 2022. Long list invited for zoom interviews Dec 22. Shortlisted candidates (4) notified by end of Jan, visits & talks scheduled for Feb. Offer made and accepted

McGill University, Assistant Professor in experimental particle physics (including astroparticle) (ad)

Due December 1, 2022

Michigan Technological University (ad) Due Jan. 6, 2023. 
Middlebury College Assistant Professor (ad) Due Nov. 1, 2022. At least one request for a zoom meeting (05 Dec).  No names are listed, but they have scheduled colloquia for candidates on the website. Offer accepted.
Missouri State University (ad) Due Jan. 15.  Longlist phone interviews underway week of 2/17. 
NAOJ, Female Assistant Professor (ad) Due Oct 28.
Niels Bohr International Academy (NBIA), Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), U. Copenhagen, Louis-Hansen Foundation Assistant/Associate Professorship in Theoretical Physics or Astrophysics (ad) Due Dec. 15th, 2022. 
Northeastern University Assistant Professor (ad) INVEST Program

Due Dec 1, 2022. At least one request for a zoom interview. 

Northern Arizona University, Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Planetary Science (ad)

Application review begins on December 15, 2022.

Short list candidates invited for on-campus interviews.
NYU Abu Dhabi

Due November 25th, 2022

Long list notified (Feb 6)

NC State University, Assistant Professor in Astrophysics / Astronomy (ad) Due December 1, 2022. Canidates invited for interviews. Offer made and accepted.
University of North Florida, Assistant Professor in Physics (Astronomy, Astrophysics, or Planetary Science) (ad)

Due January 3, 2023.  At least some zoom interviews requested 1/11/23. 

Occidental College (ad) Due November 28th, 2022. At least a few zoom interviews scheduled on 2/3.
Ohio State University, Experimental Astrophysics (ad) Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2022. Some candidates notifed on Dec. 21 of zoom interviews in early January. Offer made to Kaeli Hughes.
Ohio State University, tenure-track in theoretical astrophysics (ad) Due Nov1 2022. Applications being reviewed. Some candidates notified of zoom interviews the week of December 12.  Some rejections sent Dec 23. Short list of 5 people from colloquium schedule: John Forbes, Carolyn Raithel, Meridith Joyce, Anna Rosen. Offer made to Yuan-Sen Ting.
Penn State University, open-rank tenure-track in planetary science (ad) Due August 15, 2022.  Offer made. Search failed.
Penn State University, open-rank, Astronomy & Astrophysics (ad) Due February 24, 2023.
Penn State University, Assistant Research Professor, Astronomy & Astrophysics Instrument Scientist (ad) Due December 15, 2022 (accepted / open until filled)
Pomona College Assistant Professor (ad) Offer made and accepted (experimental physics).
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (ad) Due May 31st, 2023. Accepting applications
Princeton University, Physics (ad) Due Nov. 18th, 2022.
Purdue University, Assistant Professor (Observational Astrophysics) (ad) Application review begins November 15, 2022 Longlist notified. Shortlist notified.
Purdue University, Assistant Professor of Practice (ad) Due Jan. 30, 2023.
Royal Holloway University of London, Lecturer x2 (ad)

Due May 14th 2023. 

June 20th: Email went out stating "the Panel are still conducting the shortlisting process."

July 20th: Any updates?

Rutgers University, Downsbrough Endowed Chair (ad) Review of applications will begin on January 6, 2023.
San Diego State University, assistant professor in Computational Science / Department (ad)

Due Jan 2, 2023. Shortlist notified, contains 1 computational astrophysicist. Two offers made and both accepted, including Anna Rosen.

San Francisco State University, assistant professor in astronomy (ad) Due December 5, 2022.  Some applicants invited for Zoom interviews in early January.  Some candidates invited for on-campus visits. Two offers made and both accepted, including Eileen Gonzales.
SLAC, Particle Physics and Astrophysics Faculty (ad) Review of applications will begin on November 28, 2022. Shortlist notified for in person interviews in February (1/20). Shortlist includes Kevin Burdge, Dillon Brout, Shany Danieli, Alex Amon (withdrawn). Failed Search.
Smith College, Assistant Professor of Physics and Statistical and Data Sciences (ad) Due November 1, 2022.Longlist made, phone interviews held November 15. Shortlist campus interviews scheduled. Offer made and accepted (per email from committee on 1/16/23).
Southern Methodist University, Assistant Professor in Physics (Astrophysics or Cosmology) (ad)

Due December 15, 2022. At least some longlist interview invitations sent January 14. At least some of the shortlist contacted January 30. Offer made

Stanford University Assistant Professor in Experimental Physics / Experimental Astrophysics (ad) Due Nov 13th, 2022. Some longlist interviews before Christmas. Shortlist includes Kevin Burdge
Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor in Astrophysics (ad)

Application deadline November 1st, 2022. Some longlist interviews in January. Some shortlisted candidates invited in February. Offer accepted

The University of Toronto, Assistant Professor in Astrophysics (ad)

Due January 4, 2023.

Shortlist interviewing. It includes: Illaria Caiazzo, Liam Connor, Matthew Liska, Kristine Spekkens.

Rejections sent (March 15).

Tufts University, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor: Astrophysics (ad)

Due December 15, 2022. Longlist notified (1/21). Shortlist notified Offer accepted
Umeå university, Assistant professor in Space Plasma Physics (ad) Due February 9, 2023
University of Arizona, Assistant Professor in Steward Observatory/Department of Astronomy Shortlist notified. Includes Evan Bauer, Carl Fields, Ylva Goetberg, Meridith Joyce, Mathieu Renzo, Anna Rosen
University of British Columbia, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor: Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2 positions (ad) Review of applications will start November 18, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Some candidates contacted for longlist interviews (Dec 21). Shortlist interview requests sent out (Feb). At least one offer made and accepted. Michelle Kunimoto.
University of California Berkeley, Department of Astronomy, Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (ad)

Due November 21st, 2022. 

Shortlist (from colloquium schedule): Kevin Burdge, Ilaria Caiazzo, Andrew Chael

Some rejection letters sent.

UC Davis (ad)

Due Nov 18, 2022 - Some longlist notified (2/8). Rejections sent (2/17). Nearly 500 applicants. Shortlist notified, contains 1 astronomer.

University of Cambridge

Plumian professorship

University of Chicago, Assistant Professor in Astronomy & Astrophysics (ad)

Review of applications will begin on November 6, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. At least one candidate invited for on-site interview. Shortlist from colloquium schedule: Matthew Liska, Shany Danieli, Harley Katz, Carolyn Raithel, Feige Wang, Rohan Naidu

University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute, Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics  Due March 1st, Zoom interviews in June 2023 
Univ. of Florida (Physics Department), Assistant Professor in Theoretical Astrophysics (ad) Due December 2, 2022. Some video interviews scheduled.  Shortlist notified.  
U. of Hawaii at Manoa, Inst. for Astronomy - Hawaii Island (ad) All subfields of Astronomy with an interest in complementing and enhancing the research at IfA-Hilo are encouraged to apply. Due Dec. 15, 2022.

At least some longlist candidates were notified early Jan.

Rejection letters sent, January 31st, 2023.
U. of Hawaii at Manoa, Inst. for Astronomy -  Maui (ad) Solar physics, space physics, or closely related fields are encouraged to apply. Due Dec. 31, 2022.
U. of Hawaii at Manoa, Inst. for Astronomy - Oahu (ad) All subfields of Astronomy and with interests in STEM pedagogy. Due Dec. 15, 2022.

At least some longlist candidates were notified early Jan. Shortlist notified. Offer made.
University of Iowa, Assistant Professor in Physics and Astronomy (ad)

The Department of Physics and Astronomy seeks a high energy particle physicist with involvement in space-based experiments. This is a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor scheduled to begin in the Fall of 2024. Due Nov. 28, 2023

University of Kentucky, Assistant Professor in observational astronomy (advert) Application deadline December 1, 2022. Some candidates contacted to schedule video interviews. Shortlisted candidates invited to visit. Offer made and accepted.
University of Leicester, Lecturer in Astrophysics Due 12 October 2022
University of Leicester, Lecturer in Planetary Sciences Due 12 October 2022
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), tenure-track position in high-energy astrophysics (theoretical or observational) (ad) Application review begins Nov 18, 2022. Longlist notified (2022-12-12). Some rejections sent 12/27/22. Shortlist interviewed, 2 offers made. Offer accepted (Adi Foord).
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Department Chair (Physics & Applied Phyesics) (ad) Open until filled

Univ. of Michigan,  Department of Physics, Assistant Professor (preceded by optional LSA Collegiate Fellowship) (ad)

Due Sep. 19, 2022. Short list has interviewed. Offer made.
University of Minnesota, Assistant Professor

Longlist notified (Dec 20).

Visits/talks are scheduled with shortlist for Feb.

Univ. of Mississippi, Assistant Professor (astrophysics / multimessenger / gravity) (ad)

Due Nov. 14, 2022.

Shortlist notified, interviews scheduled.

Shortlist includes Giacomo Fragione, Matthew Route, Michael Fausnaugh, Nicholas MacDonald, Nihan Pol & Tiffany Lewis frm colloquia schedule.

Offer made and accepted.  

University of Montana, Assistant Professor Physics & Astronomy (ad)

Due Dec. 14, 2022. 

Some zoom interviews requested 1/6/23.

Shortlist candidates notified, some references contacted 1/26/23.

Both offers made and accepted

University of North Texas. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Astrophysics (ad).

Application deadline January 15, 2023. Some candidates invited for an audio interview (01/20). Visits scheduled for shortlisted candidates in February. 

Offer made and accepted. 

Univ. of Oregon, Assistant Professor (broad search) (ad) Due October 15, 2022; position open until filled, and later applications may be considered. Longlist contacted on Dec 6. Shortlist notified. Two offers made, one offer accepted by Yvette Cendes
University of Rochester, Junior tenure-track faculty position (ad)

Due December 1, 2022.

Short list candidates identified.

University of St Andrews

Due 10th March. Shortlisted candidates notified.  Rejection letters sent

Interview process concluded.  

University of South Carolina (ad)

Due July 15 2023; position is open until filled, later applications may be considered.


University of Texas at Dallas, open-rank faculty in astrophysics (ad)

Due December 1, 2022. Long list candidates scheduled for video interviews. At least some of the shortlist contacted January 30. Offer made and accepted.

University of Texas at San Antonio, Two Assistant Professor positions in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (ad).

Application review begins Nov 1st, 2022. Longlist made. Any news? 

January 5th: shortlist candidates invited for interviews January to February 2023

University of Tokyo, Kavli IPMU, Center for Data-Driven Discovery, Assistant or Associate Professor (ad)

Due Jan. 15, 2023

Jan. 25: longlisted candidates invited for zoom interviews.

Univ. of Utah, Assistant Professor (multi-messenger / time-domain) (ad) Due Nov. 15, 2022 
University of Virginia (ad) Due Dec. 31, 2022. Shortlist notified (Feb 7). Rejections sent (Apr 3)
University of Washington, Assistant Professor in Astronomy, 2 positions (ad)

Due Oct 21. Shortlist notified.

Dec 27: shortlisted candidates invited for interviews around Jan-Feb 2022. Update sent during week of March 20th that they are still deliberating.

Some rejections sent in first week of April, and two offers made and accepted: Arianna Long, Nora Shipp. 

University of Waterloo, Assistant Professor (ad) Due Jan 15, 2023. Some longlist interviews requested. Shortlist includes Josh Dillon.

Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. Multi-Messenger and Time-Domain Astronomy Faculty (ad)

Due Dec 1, 2022. Shortlist is interviewing. Offer made.
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Assistant/Associate/Professor (cosmology/gravity/astrophysics) (ad) Due Dec 1, 2022. Longlist notified January 11, 2023. At least some shortlisted candidates notified and invited to visit in Feb/March. 
Washington State University Open Positions | Physics and Astronomy | Washington State University (wsu.edu)

Due Nov 11, 2022. Longlist notified November 21, 2022. Initial shortlist made (12/15)

Wayne State University, Assistant Professor in astronomy/astrophysics (ad)

Due Nov 15, 2022. Some rejections sent 12/21. Longlist notified, and Zoom interviews in January. On-campus interviews scheduled for Feb/March. Offer accepted

Weber State University, Assistant Professors in Astronomy/Astrophysics (ad) and Theoretical/Computational Physics (ad)

Application review begins Dec 15, 2022 for the theoretical physics position and Jan 15, 2023 for the astronomy position

At least one request for a Astronomy/Astrophysics zoom interview

Theoretical physics position filled. Astronomy position will be advertised again next year.

Wellesley College

Due October 1st.  Does this mean the position has been filled? Offer accepted.

Whitman College, Assistant Professor of Astronomy (ad)

Due January 17th, 2023.
Some zoom interviews were requested.

On campus interviews scheduled

Yale University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Climate Science including planetary and exoplanetary (ad).

Application review begins Nov 15, 2022.  

Interviews scheduled.

Yale University, Assistant Professor in Astrophysics & Cosmology (ad)

Application review begins Nov 15, 2022. 

Shortlist includes ChangHoon Hahn, Elena Massara, Anowar Shajib, Chirag Modi, Rohan Naidu from symposium schedule. 

Yale University, Assistant Professor in Data-Intensive Astronomy (ad)

Application review begins Dec 1, 2022. Some rejections sent Dec. 21. Some candidates invited for zoom interviews Dec 24. Shortlist notified and invited for in-person interviews. Shortlist from colloquium schedule: Drummond Fielding, Madeline Lucey, Earl Bellinger, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma

York University (Canada), Assistant Professor, Long-Wavelength Observational Extragalactic Astrophysics (ad). Longlist contacted. Shortlist notified. Offer made to Josh Dillon (declined).

Offer made and accepted.
York University (Canada), Assistant Professor, Theoretical Physics (ad). Application review begins Nov 21, 2022. Elementary particle physics, astro-particle physics, or cosmology. Shortlist notified, interviews ongoing (March 2023).

Offer made according to Theory Rumor Mill (April 21, 2023)
York University (Canada), Open Rank Professorial Stream, Physics, Biophysics, or Astrophysics (ad). Application review begins Nov 23, 2022. This is a dedicated search open only to qualified individuals who self-identify as Black persons of African Descent.
York University (Canada), Division of Natural Science, Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, Astrobiology (ad) Application review begins Dec 1, 2022.
Indiana University (ad)

Review begins Feb 20.

Letters requested.

W2 tenure-track at Argelander Institute for Astronomy, Bonn, Germany (ad)

Deadline Mar. 15, 2023. Many applicants (~100), could possibly take a while. Invites to interview have been sent. The shortlist includes: E. Redaelli, K. Kreckel

Any news? (Feb-2024)

The last similar job saw a year or more between ad and the person starting the job.  If the current timescale is similar, then maybe someone will accept an offer around May or so.  Presumably rejection notices will be sent only after someone has accepted an offer. UPDATE: Last week I saw a change in my status in the Berufungsportal, from "Entscheidung" zu "abschließende Unterlagen".  Has anyone else seen that?  What status do other people have? UPDATE 10 June 2024: offer made to and accepted by Jennifer Schober.

Assistant Professor or Associate Professor 
University of Warwick - Department of Physics (ad)

Deadline 23rd April. Any news? Were the interview conducted on 1st and 2nd June?

Interview done. Offer made and accepted. 


Science Staff and Management Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
ESO ALMA Regional Center Astronomer (ad)

 Due Jan 10th, 2023.  

Rejection letters sent (Feb 01). Shortlist of 6-8 people interviewed mid-February.

United States Naval Observatory (USNO) Tenure-track Astronomers

Interviews done on September 15th and 16th, 2022. Selections passed on to HR a week later, but could not be shared with applicants, still waiting to hear an update as of November 8th, 2022. Offer made and accepted on or before December 9th, 2022.

Space Telescope Science Institute/European Space Agency Science Operations Scientist

Position offered to and accepted by Emily Rickman
Space Telescope Science Institute ESA/AURA Astronomer (ad)

Due May 10.

Shortlisted candidates were contacted to schedule on-site interview. Offers made. Some rejections of short-list sent.

Space Telescope Science Institute Research Staff Positions (ad)

Applications due October 14, 2022 - A shortlist was made as of Dec 18 2022.  Rejection letters sent to non short-listed candidates.

Virtual interviews of short-listed candidates completed in Jan 2023.

A few shortlisted candidates notified on Jan 31st for in-person interviews.

On-site visits for shortlisted candidates still ongoing as of March 22.

All on-site visits have been completed.

As of 7/7/2023 all offers have been accepted by: Munazza Alam, Timothy Brandt, Aarynn Carter, Hannah Diamond-Lowe, Daniel D'Orazio, Leonardo Dos Santos, Joshua Lothringer, Andra Stroe.

Space Telescope Science Institute technical staff scientist hire x4 (senior tech hires for MIRI, WFC3, COS, ACS) ad

Application deadline extended to January 19 due to low number of applications. 

Long list candidates invited for recorded (non-live)  interviews. Recorded interviews due Feb 26.

3/15 Shortlist candidates contacted for live interview.

4/25 7 offers accepted, one pending. The scope of the hire was considerably expanded.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, X-ray Astrophysics Laboratory, Research Astrophysicist, Computational Spectroscopy (ad) Due November 2, 2022
UC Berkeley Radio Astronomy Laboratory, Assistant Research Scientist (ad) Due November 5, 2022. Offer made to and accepted by Josh Dillon.
Adler Planetarium- Astronomer (ad) Due January 20, 2023. Some requests sent out for Zoom interviews on Jan 21. Form rejections sent March 3. Offer made and accepted
NASA ADS Project Scientist - Astrophysicist (ad) Due January 31, 2023. Shortlisted candidates are invited to visit CfA directly without any preliminary interviews. Offer made and accepted.
NASA ADS Project Scientist - Planetary Science (ad) Due May 3, 2023. Shortlisted candidates are invited to visit CfA directly without any preliminary interviews. Offer made and accepted.
NOIRLab Scientist and Astronomer Track Positions (ad)

Due Jan 16, 2023. Shortlist made. Zoom interviews being scheduled.

(28 Mar) Reference letters requested after intial interview

Offers made.

Research Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ad) Due April 15, 2023. Second round interviews concluded.
National Solar Observatory, Director (ad) Due April 30, 2023. First round of remote interviews completed in first half of July. Second round interviews on hold.
Gemini Observatory, Chief Scientist (ad) Due June 29, 2023.


Faculty Shuffle

Person (alphabetical) Old Institution New Institution
Médéric Boquien Universidad de Tarapacá Université Côte d'Azur
Florent Renaud Lund University CNRS (DR), Strasbourg Observatory
Lucas Macri Texas A&M NOIRLab
Kim-Vy Tran UNSW CfA (AD Internal Relations)
Bryan Gaensler Toronto UCSC (Dean of the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences)
Chiara Mingarelli Unversity of Connecticut Yale
 Johanna Nagy  Washington University in St. Louis Case Western
Krista Lynne Smith Southern Methodist University Texas A&M
Kathleen Mandt JHU Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Hiranya Peiris University College London IoA Cambridge (1909 chair)
Meredith MacGregor CU Boulder Johns Hopkins
Shuo Zhang Bard Michigan State
Ian Czekala Penn State University University of St. Andrews
Yin-Zhe Ma KwaZulu-Natal University Stellenbosch University
Yuan-Sen Ting Australian National University Ohio State University


Postdoc & Term Page - Previous Years

Page last modified on Monday 07 of October, 2024 13:53:40 EDT