
Institutional Talk Series Suitable for Early Career Astronomers

This page provides a crowdsourced list of seminar series that welcome talks from early career astronomers (but are not necessarily exclusively early career). The information on this page was previously collected on https://www.nhfp-equity.org/resources-for-applicants.  

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Institution Talk series Description

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

(Cambridge, MA, USA)

CfA Seminar

Timeslot: Tuesdays at 12 pm during the academic year

Length and format: Half hour slot per speaker, generally two speakers per date 

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In-person or virtual: In-person

Travel support available?:  Invited speakers will be provided travel support to vist the CfA.

How to request a slot: Members of the CfA submit nominations a few months before the start of each semester. Note that demand is often higher than the number of available slots, but nominations are retained. 

Contact info: See website 

Webpage: www.cfa.harvard.edu/events/cfa-seminars

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

(Cambridge, MA, USA)

Radio Millimeter Submillimeter Science Seminar

Timeslot: 12:30 pm on Fridays during the academic year

Length and format: Hour-long talk by a single speaker 

Topical scope: Science enabled by radio/sub-mm astronomy (including theoretical/computational work relevant to radio/sub-mm astronomy)

In person or virtual: In-person

Travel support available: 

How to request a slot: Ask someone at the CfA to reach out to the organizers to request a slot. A call for speakers is put out before the start of fall and spring semesters. 

Contact info:

Website: https://pweb.cfa.harvard.edu/events/sma-seminars

Columbia University 

Department of Astronomy

(New York, NY, USA)

Pizza Lunch 

Timeslot: 12 pm on Tuesdays during the academic year

Length and format: Three speakers talk for 10 minutes each (+5 minutes each for questions), using a whiteboard (no slides!). 

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy, including non-research topics (teaching, outreach, opportunities)

In person or virtual: In-person

Travel support available?: No

How to request a slot: Members of Columbia Astronomy can request a slot on behalf of a speaker.

Contact info:

Website: https://docs.astro.columbia.edu/wiki/Talks

Columbia University 

Department of Astronomy

(New York, NY, USA)

Thursday Seminar

Timeslot: 4:05 pm on Thursdays during the academic year  

Length and format: Each speaker (typically two per seminar) gets 20 minutes to present + 5 minutes for questions

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In person or virtual: In-person

Travel support available?: No

How to request a slot: Members of Columbia Astronomy can request a slot on behalf of a speaker. Slots are first-come, first-serve. 

Contact info: N/A; hosts are responsible for organizing all aspects of the talk 

Website: https://www.astro.columbia.edu/content/seminars

National Radio Astronomy Observatory/University of Virginia

(Charlottesville, VA, USA)

TUNA (Tuesday UVA/NRAO) Lunch Talks 

Timeslot: Typically 12 pm on Tuesdays, but speakers may request other slots 

Length and format: Up to 40+10 minutes, informal and generally with slides.

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In person or virtual: Generally in-person, but can check with organizers if a virtual talk can be arranged

Travel support available?: No, but there are many avenues for support for visits to NRAO (and you can give a talk while here). If you have ALMA data and would like to visit, submit a request via the helpdesk. You don't have to have a problem with data to visit, coming to collaborate on science is encouraged!

How to request a slot: Visitors to NRAO and UVA/NRAO staff and students are actively solicited. If you visit NRAO or UVA, either contact the organizer directly or ask your host to get you scheduled for a talk.

Contact info: tunalunch@nrao.edu

Webpage: https://www.cv.nrao.edu/tuna/

Other comments: Talks are broadcast to all NRAO sites; let the organizers know if there is anyone in Green Bank or Socorro whom you would like be able to view the talk (scheduling is flexible). 

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Greenbelt, MD, USA)

Exoplanet Seminar Series

Timeslot: Typically, 11am - 12pm (US Eastern) on alternating Thursdays, but speakers may request other slots.

Length and format: Up to 40 minutes with additional time for questions and discussion. Talks are informal and generally have slides. Speakers can decide if they would like their talk recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Topical scope: Any research related to exoplanets, their stars, and environments.

In person or virtual: Hybrid

Travel support available?: No, if you are already in the area we would be happy to arrange an in-person talk (foreign national restrictions may apply). In-person talks will occur at the Goddard Greenbelt campus in Greenbelt, Maryland. If you will not be in the area then a virtual talk is possible.

How to request a slot: Please use this form to nominate yourself or others. Be sure to mention the talk topic and if you will be in the area in the near future. Talks are generally booked 3+ months beforehand and visitors to the DC area and early career scientists are prioritized. If you have any questions please contact the organizer below.

Contact info: joseph.p.renaud@nasa.gov

Webpage: https://seec.gsfc.nasa.gov/News_and_Events/exoplanetSeminars.html

Other comments: Anyone is welcome to attend the talks (in-person or online) the best way to learn about upcoming talks is to join our mailing list (which you can request using the same form). This seminar series is hosted by the Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC), the Planetary Science Division, and the Astrophysics Science Division

Ohio State University

Department of Astronomy

(Columbus, OH, USA)

Exoplanet Group Meeting

Timeslot: Typically 11:15 AM-12:15 PM (US Eastern) on Fridays


Length and format: 30-45 minutes presentation, plus time for questions and round-table with the group.


Topical scope: Anything related to exoplanets.


In person or virtual: In-person preferred, but virtual options are available.


Travel support available?: Some travel support is available for early-career researchers.


How to request a slot: Reach out to organizers.


Contact info: Marshall Johnson (johnson.7240@osu.edu)


Webpage: None.

University of Arizona

Steward Observatory + Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

(Tucson, AZ, USA)

Origins Seminar

Timeslot: 12 pm MST on Mondays during the academic year (~September - April)

Length: 1 hour (45 min. + 15 min. questions)

Topical scope: Anything relevant to origins of life, planet formation, etc. (broad scope)

In person or virtual: Both options available

Travel support available?: Unknown

How to request a slot: Reach out to one of the organizers (currently Serena Kim, Sebastiaan Haffert, and Chenliang Huang)

Contact info: See website

Webpage: https://eos-nexus.org/origins-seminar/

Other comments: Tucson does not observe daylight savings, so the talks are always in time zone UTC-7.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Dept. of Astronomy

(Ann Arbor, MI, USA)

Star and Planet Formation Journal Club

Timeslot: 3 pm on Tuesdays during academic year (September to mid-April). Ad hoc talks are sometimes scheduled. 

Length: 30 minute or 1 hour talks

Topical scope: Anything relevant to star and planet formation.

In person or virtual: Both options available

Travel support available?: No

How to request a slot: Speakers typically reach out to a faculty member who helps to arrange a timeslot. Other members of the department (including grad students and postdocs) sometimes also suggest speakers. Fall semester slots start to be assigned in mid-August. Spring semester slots start to be assigned at the beginning of January (note that UMich calls spring semester "winter semester"). However, prospective speakers can inquire throughout the semester about available slots.

Contact info: TBD

Webpage: None

Other comments: Ann Arbor can be reached from Detroit Metropolitan Airport through taxi or the Michigan Flyer bus (~40 min), or via Amtrak from Chicago in 5 hours. 

University of St Andrews

School of Physics and Astronomy

(St. Andrews, Scotland, UK)


Lunch Talks

Timeslot: Tuesdays at 1pm BST

Length and format: approximately 55 minutes (45 minutes, plus 10-15 minutes of questions). Afterwards,  speakers often stay for around 30 minutes to chat informally with PhD and MSc students.

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In-person or virtual: both available

Travel support available?: Yes for travel within UK and Europe, but not for travel from elsewhere.

How to request a slot: members of the School submit internal nominations, and visitors to the department are routinely offered talk slots during their stay. Prospective speakers can also email the talk organisers, Nicholas Boardman (nfb@st-andrews.ac.uk) and Indranil Banik (ib45@st-andrews.ac.uk).

Contact info: see above.

Webpage: https://astronomy.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/talks/


Carnegie Institution for Science

Earth & Planets Laboratory (Washington DC, USA)

Astro Seminar

Timeslot: Fridays at 1400 ET

Length and format: Day-long visit (~ 0930 - 1700) including meetings with folks on-site and seminar of approximately 55 minutes (45 minutes, plus 10-15 minutes of questions). Audience consists of astronomers and geoscientists.

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy, though more focussed on exoplanets, disks and planet formation

In-person or virtual: Both available

Travel support available?: Reimbursement available for local travel within the DMV area.

How to request a slot: Submit a Google Form at the webpage below nominating self or somebody else.

Contact info: See below

Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/dtmastroseminar/home

UC San Diego

Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics

(La Jolla, CA, USA)

A&A Seminar

Timeslot: Wednesdays, 3-4 PM local time

Length and format: Day-long visit including meetings with folks on-site and a seminar of approximately 55 minutes (45 minutes, plus 10-15 minutes of questions). The audience consists of astronomers, instrumentalists, and cosmologists.

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In-person or virtual: Both are available

Travel support available?: Reimbursement is available but limited

How to request a slot: Submit a Google Form at the webpage below nominating self or somebody else. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScapjMsfA10keKp7AqZ1bjOFjo74g6lXwa2XE-EGKJFUnoC-g/viewform

Contact info: Chris Theissen (ctheissen@ucsd.edu), Adam Burgasser (aburgasser@ucsd.edu)

Webpage: https://astro.ucsd.edu/seminars/index.html

University of Hawaiʻi

Institute for Astronomy

(Honolulu, HI, USA)

Star and PLanet Lunch (SPLAT)

Timeslot: Mondays 12PM HST

Length and format: Hour-long research seminar

Topical scope: Stellar and Planetary Science

In-person or virtual: Both are available

Travel support available?: None

How to request a slot: Reach out to organisers

Contact info: Mike Liu (mliu@ifa.hawaii.edu), Dan Huber (huberd@hawaii.edu)

Webpage: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D76AMJTz2ugfmaOzCRo9-geUR2zjcVNenBXrDkoMBxc/edit

Carnegie Observatories (Pasadena, CA, USA)

Lunch Seminar

Timeslot: Fridays at 12:15 PT

Length and format: 30min talk + 15min Q&A discussion with the audience.

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In-person or virtual: In-person

Travel support available?: Up to $1,000

How to request a slot: Members of the Observatories submit nominations a few months before the start of each semester. Note that demand is often higher than the number of available slots, but nominations are retained.

Contact info:

Webpage: https://obs.carnegiescience.edu/observatories-events

Yale University
(New Haven, CT, USA)

Galaxy Lunch Talks

Timeslot: Wednesdays at 12 pm during the academic year

Length and format: Half hour-40 min slot

Topical scope: Any galaxy-related research

In-person or virtual: In-person

Travel support available?:  None.

How to request a slot: Contact directly the organizers (Chloe or Sebastian) asking for availability during either the Fall or Spring semester detailing your area of research and career stage. 

Contact info: Sebastian Mouzon (s.monzon@yale.edu), Chloe Neufeld (chloe.neufeld@yale.edu)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, CA, USA) Virtual Exoplanet Lecture Series

Timeslot: Mondays from 11:15-11:45 AM Pacific

Length and format: ~20-25 minute talk; virtual only

Topical scope: anything related to exoplanets

In-person or virtual: virtual

Travel support available?:  n/a

How to request a slot: email the talk organizer directly

Contact info: Rob Zellem (rzellem@jpl.nasa.gov)

UC Santa Cruz

Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics

(Santa Cruz, CA, USA)


Planetary Lunch

Timeslot: Mondays from 12-1 PM Pacific

Length and format: ~40-50 minute talk

Topical scope: anything related to exoplanets or solar-system planetary science

In-person or virtual: Both are okay

Travel support available?:  None.

How to request a slot: Contact the organizers or directly submit a Google form to nominate yourself or colleagues:


Contact info: ZJ Zhang (zhoujian@ucsc.edu), Jonathan Fortney (jfortney@ucsc.edu)

Webpage: https://owl.ucsc.edu/events/

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Department of Physics and Astronomy Tuesday lunch talks

Timeslot: Mondays from 1-2 PM Pacific

Length and format: ~40 minute talk + 20 mins QnA

Topical scope: All areas of astronomy

In-person or virtual: in-person

Travel support available?:  Potentially, see FAQs

How to request a slot: Nominate yourself through a google form: https://forms.gle/XWAArb9vzCpuJ9HR9

Webpage: https://astro.ucla.edu/tuesday-lunch-talks.html

Page last modified on Tuesday 30 of July, 2024 15:55:14 EDT