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Tenure Track Faculty Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Aarhus University (extra solar planets, ad) Offer made to Simon Albrecht
Aarhus University (stellar physics, ad) Offer made to Guenter Houdek
Adler Planetarium Astronomer Position (ad) Interviews underway, including Lucianne Walkowicz, Amanda Bauer, Beth Biller, Brian Jackson, Steve Croft. 
ASTRON/Kapteyn Interviews being scheduled, including Joshua Peek
Australian Astronomical Observatory (Director) Short list made, Warrick Couch, Ray Sharples,  Karl Glazebrook, Andrew Hopkins, Anna Moore. Accepted by Warrick Couch.
Ball State University (ad) Three on-campus interviews concluding the week of 4/19 Position filled
University of Bern, Center for Space and Habitability (ad) Kevin Heng
Borough of Manhattan CC - City University of New York (ad)
Shortlist includes Ellie Hadjiyska, Jeff Oishi, Wladimir Lyra, Reba Bandyopadhyay, Jennifer Connelly
Boston University (ad) 179 applications. Shortlist made: Eilat Glikman, Josh Carter, Eric Murphy, Catherine Espaillat, Phil Muirhead, Jess Werk. Two offers made and accepted: Catherine Espaillat and Phil Muirhead
CITA (ad) Offered to Daniel Green


Caltech Phil Hopkins (offer made in 2011-2012 search)
Caltech (research astronomer) (ad)  
Cardiff University (Star formation/exoplanets) Offers made to Nicolas Peretto and Berengere Parise.
Cambridge/IoA (Exoplanets) (ad) Interviews being scheduled for mid April. Shortlist includes Nikku Madhusudhan, Jason Steffen, Nick Cowan, Simon Albrecht
Carnegie Mellon (ad) Joint Cosmology and Machine Learning (both junior and senior) Due Feb 15th
Carnegie Mellon (ad) Shortlist includes Aaron Dutton, Ryan Foley, Donghui Jeong, Molly Swanson; two offers made and acccepted: Raphael Flauger, Matt Walker
Case Western (planetary science) (ad) Approx 200 applicants. Some rejections sent via email.
Clemson University (ad) shortlist in progress, including Daniel Whalen
CNRS Ranked list made. CR1 (2 positions): 1. Clément Baruteau 2. Vianney Lebouteiller 3. Jeronimo Bernard-Salas. CR2 (4 positions): 1. Benoît Commerçon 2. Alexandre Le Tiec 3. Jean-Yves Chaufray 4. Anthony Meilland 5. Benoît Cerutti. CR2 Orléans (1 position): 1. Pierre Henri 2. Oleksiy Agapitov.
CNAP Astronomer (3 positions). Offers made to François Bouchy, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, and Jérôme Péty. Adjunct-astronomer (6 positions) offers to: Isabelle Boisse, Edwige Chapillon,
Eric Lagadec, Lucas Guillemot Lucas, Cyril
Tasse, Patrick Tisserand
Cologne W3 Offer made to Stefanie Walch 
Copenhagen (Submillimeter Astronomy, ad) Short list made. Interviews scheduled.
Cornell Offer made to Lisa Kaltenegger
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (ad) Interviews being scheduled, including Josh Peek.
Durham University (Instrumentation) (ad)  
Durham University (Obs. Extragal. Astro.; ad) Short list made; have notifications/invitations been sent already? - Yes, interviews being held 10/11th July.
Earlham College (2 positions) (ad) On-campus interviews scheduled, including David Syphers.
Royal Observatory Edinburgh (ad) Beth Biller
Elon University (ad) Round 1 on-campus interviews in February, search failed. Round 2 Skype interviews taking place mid March.  Search concluded.
Florida Institute of Technology (ad)

Short list made; on campus interviews being arranged. Short list includes Brian Jackson, Catherine Neish, Darin Ragozzine.

Florida State University (2 Faculty positions) (ad) David Collins, Jeremiah Murphy
Frankfurt, Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics (ad) Offer made to Luciano Rezzolla
Georgia Tech (planetary) (ad) approx. 100 applications received to date. 2 offers made and accepted: Britney Schmidt, Sven Simon
Georgia Southern University - chair (ad) Phone interviews taking place
Georgia State University - High Impact Hire (ad) Sebastien Lepine.
Gettysburg College (ad) Position Filled
Grove City College (ad) Position filled
Harvard (ad) Short list made, including George Becker, Catherine Espaillat, Kaitlin Kratter, Ruth Murray-Clay, Dan Stark, Mark Vogelsberger; Some Rejection Emails Sent.  Offer made to Karin Öberg.
Haverford College (ad) Desika Narayanan
Heidelberg W3 (HITS) (ad) Offered to Christian Ott.
High Point University (ad) Long list made, phone interviews taking place.  Offer made and accepted.
ICG, University of Postsmouth (ad) Short list made. Rejection letters not yet sent. Interviews scheduled.
Indiana University (ad) Short list made including Bernhard Mueller. Offer to Louis Strigari
Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (ad) Offer made.
IWF Department Head (Graz Space Research Institute) (ad) Short list made including Lisa Kaltenegger
Johns Hopkins University (planetary science) (ad) 116 applications received. Shortlist: Edwin Kite, Britney Schmidt, Caleb Fassett, Kevin Lewis, Sarah Hörst (based on colloquium schedule). Offers made to Edwin Kite, Kevin Lewis, and Sarah Hörst.
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA-Peking University) (ad) Shortlist made. Includes Oliver Zahn. 
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) (ad one offer made to Alexie Leauthaud. Second position to be filled. Shortlist not yet finalized for second position.
Lafayette College (ad) Position filled.
Lehigh University Joshua Pepper
Lowell Observatory (ad) Short list made; Rejection letters sent (snail mail)
MIT (ad) Interviews being scheduled, including Jo Bovy, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Emily Levesque, Jessica Lu, Jose Luis Prieto, Daniel Stark, Mark Vogelsberger. Some rejections sent by email (2/6). Offer made to Mark Vogelsberger
Max Planck Inst for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) Director Astrophysical Relativity Alessandra Buonanno (nominated at the Max Planck Society)
Middlebury College (ad) Eilat Glikman. rejection emails sent (3/18).
NASA Visiting Scientist (ad) Some interviews have taken place.
Nice University/Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (associate professor/MCF in long-baseline interferometry, ad) 6 candidates interviewed (5/21).
Niels Bohr Institute (Assistant Professorship, ad) Offered to Hanno Rein.
Niels Bohr Institute (Assistant Professorship, ad)

Short list includes Konstantin Belov

Position filled

NOAO Tenure Track Astronomer (ad) Phone interviews on-going.
NORDITA (Assistant Professor Astroparticle/Cosmology, 5yrs fixed, ad)

Shortlist includes Jesus Zavala, Michael Kesden. Offer made to Michael Kesden (declined).

NSF Program Director (ad) Some interviews have taken place.
Northumbria University (Professor + Dept Head) Offer made to Brad Gibson (declined).

Northwestern University (ad)

Shortlist includes Leslie Rogers, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Ari Socrates, Kaitlin Kratter, Shane Davis, Bence Kocsis, Aaron Boley. Offers made to Kaitlin Kratter (declined), Claude-André Faucher-Giguère (accepted)
NYU Abu Dhabi (junior and/or senior, ad)

Shortlist in progress, includes Daniel Whalen,            Ian Dobbs-Dixon, Konstantin Belov

Observatório Nacional Rio de Janeiro (2 positions extragalactic and cosmology) Offered to Roderik Overzier.
Ohio University (ad) Offered to Hee-Jong Seo. Offer made to Felipe Menanteau (declined).

Penn State - Cyberscience Cluster Hire

including Astronomy & Astrophysics (ad)

Eric Ford, Donghui Jeong.  Shortlist includes Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Donghui Jeong, Christian Reichardt
Penn State (2 positions) (ad) Shortlist includes Donghui Jeong
Perimeter Institute - University of Western Ontario joint position (ad) Shortlist includes Alexander Tchekhovskoy.  Offered to Alexander Tchekhovskoy
Presidency University, Kolkata, India (http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web) Offers (Assistant Prof) made to Ritaban Chatterjee, Suchetana Chatterjee, Saumyadip Samui
Princeton (ad)  
Purdue University (planetary, ad) Shortlist made, campus visits being scheduled, including: Briony Horgan, Nick Cowan, Dustin Trail, and Catherine Neish.
Queen's University Belfast Several offers made and declined. Jay Farihi (declined), J. Nichols (declined), S. Kraus (declined)
Rhodes College Elizabeth Jensen Young
Rice University (ad) Shortlist made, including Catherine Espaillat, Lucianne Walkowicz.  Some rejection notices sent (2/6).
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) gravitational-wave data anlysis (ad) Shortlist: Kipp Cannon, Drew Keppel, Chad Hanna
RPI (astrobiology) (ad)

Shortlist made, campus visits being scheduled, including: Amaya Moro-Martin

Position filled

San Francisco State U. (observational astro) (ad)

Shortlist made, including Lucianne Walkowicz. How many people have been contacted?

Offer made - Stephen Kane

SKA Project Scientists (ad) Deadline May 15
Space Telescope Science Institute (spring 2012 deadline) Susan Kassin (tenure track). Six offers were made.
Stanford University (ad) Short list made: Interviews being arranged for February. Incl. Kent Irwin, Phil Barbeau, Gray Rybka, Abigail Vieregg, Peter Sorenson.
Stockholm University (ad) Short list made: Markus Janson, Janice Lee, Matthew Hayes, Erik Zackrisson.
Stockholm University, Solar Physics (ad)  
SUNY Geneseo (ad) Phone interviews done by the first week of February. Campus visits will be arranged by end of February.  Search concluded.
Tübingen (Junior Research Group Leader) Short list made: S. Hailfinger, M. Libertus, A. Neumann, M. Pilhofer, M. Scheele, Hanno Rein, S. Schwarz. Offers made: Hanno Rein (declined).
Universidad de Chile
(Planetary Sciences) (ad)
Short list made: James Jenkins, Lucas Cieza (withdrawn), Cesar Fuentes
Universidad de Chile (ad)  
Universidad de Valparaiso (Chile) (ad) Shortlist made, including Mederic Boquien. 3 offers made and accepted. A 4th position might be offered. Rejection emails to be sent. 
Universidad Andres Bello (ad) Offer made to Jose Prieto (declined)
Universidad Diego Portales Offers made:  Jose Prieto, Roberto Assef, Lucas Cieza, Giuseppina Battaglia (declined), Manuel Aravena
University College London (cosmology/astrophysics) (ad) Short list made (Dec 14): Interviews will be arranged in January. Rejection letters sent. Short list: Robert Smith, Michele Trenti, Jason McEwen
University College London (cosmology) (ad Benjamin Joachimi, Andrew Pontzen.
University College London (extragalactic) (ad) Thomas Greve, Amelie Saintonge
University College London (exoplanets) Offer made to Jay Farihi
University of Alabama (extragalactic) (ad) Initial short list approved, on-campus interviews scheduled. Offer made to Hai Fu (declined); Preethi Nair
University of Alabama in Huntsville (high-energy astrophysics) (ad) Phone interviews being conducted Feb 11-15, on-campus interviews scheduled. Ming Sun
U. of Alaska - Anchorage (experimental physics) (ad) Phone interviews conducted mid-January
U. of Alaska - Anchorage (astronomy) On-campus interviews late April / early May. Shortlist includes David Syphers.
University of Amsterdam - MacGillavry Fellowship (tenure-track) (ad) Offer made to Selma de Mink
University of Arizona/Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (Planetary Science) (ad) Some rejection notices sent. Some interviews scheduled, including: Edwin Kite, Catherine Neish, Amaya Moro-Martin, Kevin Walsh, Nikku Madhusudhan. Offers made. Travis Barman, Christopher Hamilton.
University of Arizona (ad)

~200 applications.  Multiple positions.  Rejection emails sent.   Offers made to Gurtina Besla, Kaitlin Kratter, Selma de Mink (declined) and Andrew Youdin.

University of Arizona (Physics) (ad)  
University of British Columbia (Planetary Science/Exoplanets) Short list: Thayne Currie, Aaron Boley, Darin Ragozzine, Amaya Moro-Martin.
University of California, Berkeley (3 positions) (ad) Experimental astrophysics: Interviews scheduled for Feb./Mar.  Short list includes Stanley Seibert, Peter Sorensen, Jeffrey Filippini (from seminar calendars)
University of California, Davis (ad) Shortlist includes Phil Barbeau, Peter Sorensen, Stanley Seibert, Emilijia Pantic
University of California, Los Angeles (Astrodynamics, incl. stellar systems, exoplanets, solar system) (ad) Offer made to Smadar Naoz
University of California, Los Angeles (Space Physics) (ad) shortlist includes Ofer Cohen
University of California, Riverside (cosmology)  Shortlist includes Mark Wyman, Adrienne Erickcek. Offer made to Adrienne Erickcek (declined).
University of California, San Diego (2 positions open to all physical sciences) (ad) Shortlist has been made, candidates are being interviewed.  From colloquium schedue: Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins, Jessica Lu, Sally Dodson-Robinson, Abigail Vieregg, Catherine Espaillat
University of Chicago (ad) Some inverviews ongoing in Dec. Short list includes Duncan Brown, Stefan Ballmer, Pedro Facal, Abigail Vieregg (accepted), Naoko Kurahashi Neilson.
University of Chicago (detectors; ad) Shortlist made, includes Akito Kusaka, Roger O'Brient, Megan Eckart, Brad Benson, Erik Shirokoff, Clarence Chang
University of Chicago (geophysics, including planetary science; ad) Offer made to Edwin Kite

University of Colorado, Boulder (solar; ad)

Offer made to Ben Brown.

University of Exeter (exoplanets, star formation, etc.; ad) notification email sent to people on shortlist. Offer made to Sasha Hinkley. 
University of Guelph/Perimeter Institute (joint position, ad, ad) interviews completed, offered to more senior person
University of Hawaii Hilo (Assist. Prof.ad) Letters requested 1/21. Campus interviews being scheduled, including Dipankar Maitra (declined). Offered to Kathy Cooksey.
University of Hawaii, IfA (ad) Jessica Lu
University of Hawaii, IfA Hilo (instrumentation, ad) Christoph Baranec
University of Illinois (ad) Ashley Ross, Kaitlin Kratter, Brandon Kelly, Joaquin Vieira, Ryan Foley (from colloquium schedule); offer made
University of Iowa Hai Fu
University of KwaZulu-Natal (ad) Shortlist made. Invitation for interviews sent.
University of Maryland (theory, ad) Interviews being scheduled, including Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Kaitlin Kratter, Michael Kuhlen, Stella Offner, Shane Davis, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Smadar Naoz. Offer made to Michael Boylan-Kolchin.
University of Massachusetts Amherst (ad) Stella Offner
University of Melbourne (ad) Interviews being scheduled for January; including Kyoung-Soo Lee, Christian Reichardt, Michele Trenti,  Mark Dijkstra, Michael Boylan-Kolchin. Offers made to Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Michele Trenti, Kyoung-Soo Lee
University of Michigan-Dearborn (ad) Letters requested 12/20, phone interviews in mid-January. Short list made/interviews scheduled: including Dipankar Maitra
University of Montreal (ad) Offer made. Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo (accepted).
University of Nebraska at Omaha - Physics Chair Shortlist made (Feb 4) includes Marc Seigar
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (ad) Campus visits by shortlist have been scheduled, including Nicholas Law, Aaron Boley. Rejection notices sent. Offers made: Nicholas Law, Adrienne Erickcek.
University of Oslo (ad) Offer made to Mark Dijkstra
University of Paris 7/Observatoire de Paris (LUTH, Cosmology) 5 people on shortlist.
University of Southampton Offer made to Anna Watts (declined), Rene' Breton
University of Surrey (ad) 8 candidates shortlisted; interviews held in early December. Oscar Agertz, Alessia Gualandris.
University of Sussex Short list made: Joaquin Vieira, Oliver Zahn, Robert Smith, and 9 others. Offers made to Joaquin Vieira, Stephen Wilkins, Oliver Zahn and 2 others.
University of St. Andrews (Temporary Lectureship, ad) Short list made. Offers made and accepted, Anne-Marie Weijmans. Rejection letters sent.
University of Texas at Austin - Director of McDonald Observatory (ad) Discussions underway with some candidates, including Karl Gebhardt. Short list made, informal interviews will begin this summer.
University of Texas at Dallas (ad) Short list made including: Xingang Chen, Daniel Grin, Amir Hajian, Michael Kesden, Ignacy Sawicki, Alexander Vikman, Mark Wyman, Jaiyul Yoo, Oliver Zahn. Offers made to Xingang Chen and Michael Kesden.
University of Toronto (ad) Long list made Dec. 13, 2012. Shortlist includes: Sasha Hinkley, Nicholas Law, Jessica Lu. Offer made.
University of Toronto - Scarborough (Planetary - ad) Short list made: Hanno Rein, Wladimir Lyra, Gal Sarid. Offer made to Hanno Rein.
University of Trento (Physics dept) Offer made to Bruno Giacomazzo
University of Virginia Nitya Kallivayalil
University of Washington (Physics dept, ad  
University of Waterloo Distinguished Research Chair (ad)   Application review will begin Feb 1, 2013.  Inquiries welcome at any time.
Uppsala University (Celsius chair) Offer made and rejected. Susanne Höfner
Valparaiso University, IN (ad) Phone interviews being scheduled.
Western State Colorado University (ad) Scheduling on-campus interviews, including David Syphers. 
West Virginia University (Physics department, ad) Short list includes Rick Jenet, Sean McWilliams, Richard O'Shaughnessy, and Alberto Sesana.  Offer made to Sean McWilliams.
West Virginia University (Math department, computational physics, ad) Short list includes Zach Etienne, Scott Noble, and Carlos Palenzuela.  Offer made to Zach Etienne.

Wheaton College, Massachusetts (ad)



AAS and Skype interviews took place early to mid January. Rejections sent by e-mail (1/18).  3 finalists. Offer made to Dipankar Maitra.


University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa) - Ass. Pro./Sen. Lect. in Gamma-Ray Astronomy (ad) Deadline: May 10th, 2013.



Science Staff and Management Positions 

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
CFHT Resident Astronomer (ad) Some rejections emailed (2/15)
DES Research Scientist at NCSA (ad) Offer made. Felipe Menanteau.
e-MERLIN National Facility Scientist (ad) Offer made
Gemini Observatory Assistant Scientist (ad) Interviews underway
Gemini Observatory Scientist (ad) Short list made
National Solar Observatory Director (ad) Valentín Martínez Pillet
Space Pope (Crocodylus Pontifex)

Short list includes Timothy Dolan, Angelo Scola, Leonardo Sandri and J. Johnson; not currently soliciting applications. First notifications sent out Tuesday, 3/12. Jorge Bergoglio. Protest: Hand of God!

Space Telescope Science Institute (ESA/AURA Astronomer) (ad) Gabriel Brammer, Dan Coe, Hugues Sana

Faculty Shuffle

People (alphabetical) Old Institution New Institution
James Graham Toronto/Dunlap Institute UC Berkeley
Ted Williams Rutgers SAAO directorship
Kristen Menou Columbia Toronto-Scarborough
Eric Mamajek NOAO/CTIO U. Rochester
Scott Chapman Cambridge IoA Dalhousie
Michael West ESO Maria Mitchell Observatory (Director)
Tom Maccarone Southampton Texas Tech
Markus Kissler-Patig ESO Gemini Observatory (Director)
Francisco Prada IAA-CSIC, Granada IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid
Sarah Bridle UCL Manchester
Romeel Davé Arizona U. Western Cape (SA Research Chair)
John Johnson Caltech Harvard
Eric Ford U Florida Penn State U
Didier Queloz Geneva Obs. Cavendish Lab/Cambridge
Vassilis Charmandaris Univ. of Crete  National Observatory of Athens (Director of IAASARS)

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Page last modified on Wednesday 03 of February, 2021 02:50:59 EST