
Independent postdoc fellowships in Europe

Here is a list of independent postdoc fellowships in Europe that aren't institute-specific or are multi-institute, and encompass a broad range of astro research fields. Some of these are for junior group leader positions, which are more like 4-6 year fixed-term faculty in that you often get funding for a grad student and/or postdoc. Some of the fellowships listed below have nationality requirements, and most (if not all) require you to have established contact with your proposed host institute by the time you apply.

For project-specific postdoc positions, look at the EAS Job Directory and AAS Job Register. Please do not link institute-specific fellowships on this page, instead post them to the EAS and/or AAS job listings!

Multiple locations/anywhere:






United Kingdom

Page last modified on Friday 06 of September, 2019 16:23:11 EDT