


Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill - Postdoc & Term

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Postdoc or term positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Aarhus University, Denmark (Type-Ia Supernovae Studies  and 
Related Transients w/Stritzinger; ad
Offer made.
Alabama (Galaxy Formation w/ Bailin; ad) Shortlist made.
APC Paris, INTEGRAL postdoc 2013 (ad) Offer made.
APC Paris, INTEGRAL postdoc 2012 (ad) Offer accepted.
Academia Sinica (ASIAA), Taipei (ad) Some offers made, including Kenneth Wong (EACOA), Meg Schwamb. Some more are shortlisted, decision will be made soon (2/12).
Academia Sinica (ASIAA) - Taiwan ARC Node (ad  
Adler Planetarium Postdoc Position (ad) Shortlist made, includes Jason Ybarra. Offer made.
Alberta (w/ Heinke or Sivakoff) (ad)  
Argelander Institut fuer Astronomie - University of Bonn (w/ Hildebrandt) Two offers accepted.
Argonne National Laboratory Director's Fellowship offered to Lindsey Bleem; joint postdoc with Chicago (Gladders) offered to Nan Li.
Arizona Bok Fellowship (ad) Karin Sandstrom. 194 applicants. Final shortlist: Thayne Currie, Karin Sandstrom, Edwin Kite, Kate Rubin, Caitlin Casey. Rejection emails sent. 
Arizona Extragalactic (ad)  
Arizona State Cosmology Postdoc Daniel Grin (declined Feb 1)
Arizona State University Exploration Fellowship Offer made, Anand Thirumalai.
Australian Gemini Research Fellowships (AusGO, ad) Offer accepted (only one position will be offered).
Australian National University (Galaxy Formation & Evolution w/ Kewley; ad) Shortlist includes Maryam Shirazi, Tim Weinzirl, offer made and accepted.
Australian National University SkyMapper Research Fellow (ad) shortlist includes Ashley Ruiter, Ivo Seitenzahl
Australian National University Stromlo Fellowship (ad) Fuyan Bian
University of Bern, Center for Space and Habitability, 5-Year Research Associate w/Heng (ad) Jaemin Lee (1/2 cycle ago; based at Uni Zurich), Joao Mendonca
Joint 3-Year Research Associate, University of Bern and ETH Zurich (Applied Math) w/ Mishra+Heng (ad) Shortlist: Camille Charignon, Fabio Del Sordo, Jayanta Dutta. Offered to Camille Charignon (declined 3/16).  No further offers made.
Boston University with Jim Jackson (ad) Ian Stephens
Brookhaven National Laboratory (ad) Offer accepted. Shortlist made, includes Daniel Grin.
Canergie Institution for Science - Postoctoral position in Extragalactic Astronomy (w/Mulchaey; ad)  
Caltech Astro Theory/Relativity w/ Ott (ad) One offer accepted.
Caltech High Energy Astrophysics (ad) Elizabeth Rivers
Caltech/IPAC - Postdoctoral scholar (ad) Any news?
Caltech/IPAC - Postdoctoral scholar (w/Morris) (ad) Shortlist includes Umut Yildiz, Jason Ybarra. Offer made and accepted.
Caltech Planetary Astronomy Fellowship (ad) Brendan Bowler
Caltech Prize Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Physics or Astrophysics (ad) David Radice, Jim Fuller + 1 year KITP, Drew Clausen,  Andrew Wetzel (joint with Carnegie)James Guillochon (declined), Peter Behroozi (declined). Short list includes Francesca Valsecchi.
Caltech WISPs/UUDF with Teplitz (ad) Some interviews scheduled
Caltech LIGO (ad) Rory Smith
Cambridge, DAMTP (ad) Peter Adshead, Daniel Grin (declined 2/4), Norihiro Tanahashi, Stephen Feeney. Some rejection e-mails sent (2/5).
Cambridge, IoA/KICC, Postdoctoral Research Appointments (The Emergence of Structure during the Epoch of Reionization) (ad) One offer accepted. Shortlist includes Ali Rahmati. Have more positions been filled?
Cambridge, IoA/KICC, Postdoctoral Research Appointments in Observational, X-ray and Theoretical Astronomy (ad) Fuyan Bian (declined), Benny Trakhtenbrot. Some rejections sent (Feb 11).
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Junior Fellow Academy (ad) Annalisa Pillepich (declined), Kiyoshi Masui. Shortlist made, includes Stephen Feeney.
Carnegie DTM (ad) T.J. Rodigas. Some rejections e-mailed (Feb 5).
Carnegie Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Observational Astronomy (ad) Shortlist includes Will Dawson, Adam Miller, Andrew Mann, Pascal Oesch, Caitlin Casey. Offering additional Carnegie-Princeton fellowship instead.
Carnegie Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Theoretical Astrophysics (Nashman Fellowship) (ad) Andrew Wetzel (joint with Caltech), Selma de Mink (declined), Adi Zolotov (declined).
Carnegie Mellon (w/ Mandelbaum; ad) Offer made and accepted.
CEA-SACLAY ASTRODEEP postdocs (w/ Elbaz) Wiphu Rujopakarn (declined), Chun Ly (declined)
CERN Fellowship (ad) Offer made to Tobias Baldauf
Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences; post-doctoral position (ad) Offer made to Manjari Bagchi (declined)
CITA postdoctoral fellowships (ad) Jim Fuller (declined), Jonathan Pober (declined), Daniel Grin (declined), Niels OppermannAaron Zimmerman, Caroline Clark (joint with Dunlap Institute). Some rejection emails sent 1/14.
CITA research associates (ad) Selma de Mink (declined), Alexander Tchekhovskoy (declined)
Columbia University Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Eli Visbal (1/24). Shortlist made, including Athena Stacy.  Some rejection e-mails sent 1/16.  
Columbia University (high energy w/ Metzger) (ad) James Guillochon (declined), Nicholas Stone. Shortlist includes Kuo-Chuan Pan.
Columbia Science Fellow (Frontiers of Science) (ad) Michael Williams
Cornell University - Research Associate in Galaxy Evolution and Cosmology (ad) Chelsea Sharon, Shane Bussmann
Cornell University - Postdoc Associate in Theoretical Astrophysics (ad) Offer made to Diego Munoz. Wait list includes Eliu Huerta, Martin Huarte-Espinosa.
CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science Bolton Fellowship (ad) Joanne Dawson.
DARK Fellowships, Dark Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr Institute (ad) Gabriel Brammer (declined), Selma de Mink (declined), Pascal Oesch (declined), Julie WardlowSebastian Hönig, Jesus Zavala. Short list includes Chun Ly,  Daniel Whalen.
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory - NGVS Research Associate (ad) Ruben Sanchez-Janssen
Drexel University (ad) Offer made. Shortlist made.
Dunlap Postdoctoral Fellowships (ad) Offer made to Nicolas Crouzet, Jonathan Pober (declined), Rachel Bezanson (declined). Rejection emails sent (Jan 24).
Durham University, 5 positions (ad) Yashar Hezaveh (declined), Yannick Bahe (declined), Chian-Chou Chen. Shortlist made, including Cosimo Fedeli, Nina Roth, Ali Rahmati (withdrawn). Any more news?
EACOA Fellowship (ad) Kenneth Wong (ASIAA+NAOJ), Hyosun Kim (KASI+ASIAA)
EDECS postdoc (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris) (ad) Shortlist made.
Einstein Fellowship (ad) 190 applications. Selma de Mink (Carnegie) + Princeton, James Guillochon (Harvard), Alexander Tchekhovskoy (LBNL) + 1 year TAC, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Javiera Guedes (Princeton) + 2yr Spitzer, Yan-Fei Jiang (Harvard), Tim Linden (U Chicago), Blake Sherwin (declined), Andrew Newman (declined), Rutger van Haasteren (JPL), Krzysztof Nalewajko (Colorado). All applicants informed of their status via email 1/16 5PM - update from Andrea Prestwich, Einstein Fellowship Coordinator. 
ENS-Lyon postdoc (w/ Walder; ad)  
EPF Lausanne Postdoc in observational cosmology (ad) Shortlist includes: Blazek, Timothee Delubac, Gillis, Okumura, Paraficz, Spiniello, Wolk, Yu.
ESA fellowships (ad) Shortlist made. Offers made. (2/19)
ESO fellowship Garching (ad) Selma de Mink (declined), Matthieu Bethermin, Chiara Spiniello(declined), Bernd Husemann
ESO fellowship Chile (ad) Offers made Dec 18, Juan Carlos Munoz-Mateos.
ETH Zurich Galaxy & Black Hole Astrophysics (ad) Offer made and accepted.
ETH Zurich Zwicky Prize Fellowships (ad) Offer made to Benny Trakhtenbrot. Shortlist includes Chun Ly, Fuyan Bian, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Roberto Assef, Yannick Bahe, Joo Heon Yoon, Trent Dupuy, and Jaime Pineda.
ETH Zurich Extragalactic Astrophysics / Galaxy Evolution (ad) Maryam Shirazi, Joanna Woo. Shortlist includes Yannick Bahe, Tim Weinzirl, Joo Heon Yoon.
ETH Zurich Postdoc in Observational Cosmology (ad) Skype interviews starting Jan 14.
ETH Zurich, STARFORM postdoc (ad) Short list made and interviews underway.  Offer made and accepted
ETH Zurich, star and planet formation postdoc (ad) Short list made and interviews underway. Offer made and accepted
ETH Zurich, IR astronomer / Instrumentation Scientist (ad) Deadline: July 1st 2013
Excellence Cluster Universe Fellowship, Munich (ad) Selma de Mink (declined), Cosimo Fedeli (declined). Shortlist Hendrik van Eerten.
Fermilab Schramm Experimental Fellowship (ad) Shortlist made.
Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics Research Associate (Experiment) (ad) Offer made to Padraic Finnerty (declined).
Florida Tech (w/ Oswalt) (ad) Saurav Dhital
University of Florida, theoretical astrophysics postdoc (ad) Shortlist includes Daniel Whalen, Wing-Kit Lee
Fudan - High Energy Astrophysics (ad) Shortlist made
Geneva Observatory - STARFORM (ad) Offer accepted.
Georgia Tech CRA Fellowship (ad) Some rejection e-mails sent.
Georgia Tech (High-Energy w/ Ballantyne; ad) Rejection letter sent.
Giacconi Fellowship (STScI) (ad) Peter Behroozi.
Harvard Origins of Life Fellowship (ad) Offer made
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - CfA Fellowship (ad) Zach Berta (declined), Andrew Newman (declined), Rachel Bezanson (declined)
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - Clay Fellowship (ad) Kate Rubin
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - ITAMP Fellowship (ad)  
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - ITC Fellowship (ad) James Guillochon, Yan-Fei Jiang, Laura Sales. Rejection e-mails?
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - Postdoctoral Position in Supernova Studies (w/Soderberg; ad) Any news? 
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - Time Domain Astrophysics (w/Berger) Any news?
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA - SMA Fellowship (ad) Offers made to Cara Battersby, Mike Dunham.
Haverford (w/ Willman) Jonathan Hargis
Hebrew University — Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cosmology, Gravitation, and Astrophysics Offered to Daniel Grin (declined 2/11)
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (ad) Christine Simpson, Andrew Wetzel (declined)
Heidelberg - Junior Research Group Leader (ad) Some candidates invited for interview, including Cosimo Fedeli. Interviews completed.
Heidelberg - Gliese Fellowship Selma de Mink (declined), Pascal Oesch (declined). 138 applications, some rejections sent
Heidelberg thphys Zhiqi Huang (declined), Miguel Zumalacarregui
Hubble Fellowship (ad)

285 applications as of Nov 4, 17 positions. Kate Rubin (declined), Alexander Tchekhovskoy (declined), Dan Weisz (UCSC), Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Ondrej Pejcha (Princeton), Rebekah Dawson (declined), Andrew Newman (declined), Jonathan Trump (Penn State), Philip Muirhead (BU), Rutger van Haasteren (declined), Jess Werk, Zhaohuan Zhu, Yan-Fei Jiang (declined), Rachel Bezanson (Arizona), Brendan Bowler (declined), Javiera Guedes (declined), Adam Miller. All first round offers are made. Waiting list notified (2/2). Some rejections sent.  Additional rejections sent 2/19.

IAU Gruber Fellowship Ke-Jung Chen (UCSC)
ICC Universidad de Barcelona (w/ Verde; ad) Offer made
Illinois (CARMA postdoctoral astronomer; ad) Offer made and declined (2/14). At least some on shortlist notified. Some rejections sent (1/30).  Offer made to Robert Harris.
Illinois (cosmology theory; ad)  
Illinois Physics - Fortner Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Daniel Grin (declined 2/8)
IMPS Fellowship, UC Santa Cruz (ad) Short list made, including Joo Heon Yoon, Fuyan Bian. Offer accepted by Nicolas Tejos.
Innsbruck Dept. of Astro and Particle Physics - 4 years Postdoc Position (ad)  
Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (w/ Charlot) (ad) (2 positions) Aida Wofford, Maryam Shirazi, Anna Feltre
Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (with UPMC) Tim Linden (declined). Three offers made and accepted.
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton - Postdoctoral Members Tobias Baldauf, Jim Fuller (declined), Rebekah Dawson (declined), James Guillochon (declined), Vera Gluscevic
Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT, Madrid) - Postdoc in Cosmology - Severo Ochoa Program (ad)  
Institute for Astronomy, Royal Observatory Edinburgh (w/Ivison) (ad) offer made to Yashar Hezaveh (declined)
Institute for Astronomy, Royal Observatory Edinburgh - ASTRODEEP (ad) One offer made to Nathan Bourne
Institute for Astronomy, Royal Observatory Edinburgh - (w/ Khochfar)(ad) Offer made to: Hide Yajima, Britton Smith, Ali Rahmati. Shortlist includes Yannick Bahé.
Institute for Astronomy, Royal Observatory Edinburgh (w/ McLure) (ad) offer made
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii (w/ Liu; ad)   Closed without being filled.  Applicants notified.
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at the University of Zurich (ad) Any news?
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at the University of Zurich, STARFORM w/ Teyssier (ad) Offer made, accepted
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias - Postdoctoral Position in Cosmology (Severo Ochoa Programme) (ad) Position offered to Cosimo Fedeli (declined).
Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE) (w/ Ramon Miguel) Offer made
International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research & University of Western Australia, Jim Buckee Fellowship in Astrophysics (w/ Power; ad) Offer made to Rick Newton.
International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research & University of Western Australia, SSimPL PDRA in Computation Cosmology (w/ Power) Offer made to Weiguang Cui.
International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) and University of Sao Paulo (USP) (ad)  
IoA, Cambridge (w/ Farihi; ad) Carolina Bergfors
Jansky Fellowship (ad) Jacqueline Hodge, Betsy Mills. Rejections sent and wait-list notified (1/16).  Final wait-list rejections sent (2/19).
Johns Hopkins University - Stellar Astrophysics (w/ Kalirai) (ad) Shortlist made.  Offer made and accepted
Joint Space Science Institute Prize Postdoc (University of Maryland) (ad) Offer made to Nicholas Stone (declined). Shortlist made, includes Hendrik van Eerten, Athena Stacy. Some rejections sent (Feb 15).
KASI-Carnegie fellowship any news?
Kavli Fellowship at Cambridge (ad) Offer made to Ben Moster. Shortlist made, including Daniel Whalen, Pascal Oesch, Caitlin Casey. Offers for junior and senior fellowship made and accepted.
Kavli Fellowships at Stanford (ad) Tobias Baldauf, Emily Levesque, Sam Skillman. Some rejections sent (1/24).
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) (ad) Wiphu Rujopakarn, Annalisa Pillepich (declined), Pascal Oesch (declined), Andrew Wetzel (5-year Kavli Institute Fellowship, declined), Jonathan Blazek (declined), Shun Saito, Aaron Dutton (5-year Kavli Institute Fellowship)
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA-Peking University) (ad) Meg Schwamb (declined), Ali Rahmati (declined), Jihye Shin
KIPAC postdoctoral fellowships (ad) Matt Kistler. Some rejections sent (1/24).
KITP with Bildsten (ad) All KITP positions filled (3/5).
KITP Fellowship (ad) Ben Brown, Sasha Tchekhovskoy (declined). All KITP positions filled (3/5).
LBNL Chamberlain Fellowship  
LBNL Cosmology Postdoc (ad) Shortlist includes Iair Arcavi. Any other news?
LCOGT Postdoc Offer made. Rejections sent.
Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), with V. Müller & M. Steinmetz (ad) Offer accepted
Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), with M. Steinmetz (ad) happily accepted
LLNL - Postdoctoral Research Staff in weak lensing for LSST (ad) Will Dawson
Luc Binette Astronomy Fellowship - UNAM (ad) Shortlist made. Offer made to Manjari Bagchi (declined), Hyosun Kim (declined).
Macalester College Lecturer (ad) On campus shortlist visits scheduled, including Adam Jensen and Danielle Berg.  Offer made.
Marie Curie Fellowships Indicative funding decisions (IIF/IOF/IEF) published (1-12). Offers made, including Alessandro Patruno (-> MIT & Soton). Reserve list includes Hendrik van Eerten
MINERVA center fellowship for Life Under Extreme Planetary Conditions (ad) Open until filled (all applications before Feb 15th will be considered). Start dates in spring 2013 possible.
Maryland - Postdoctoral Postition in Time-Domain Astronomy (ad) Offer accepted. Shortlist includes Eric Morganson.
Maryland - Gravity Theory / Joint Space-Science Institute Positions/Fellowships (ad) Offer made to Jason Li.  Shortlist includes Martin Huarte-Espinosa
Maryland Joint NASA/UMD Postdoctoral Position (w/Baker & Buonanno)  
McGill University - CITA National Fellowship (ad) Tim Linden (w/ Trottier, declined). Any update?
McGill University - Tomlinson Fellowship (ad)  
McGill University - Postdoc Fellowships (ad) Any news?
Michigan (w/ Gnedin; ad)  
Michigan St. - novae (w/Chomiuk; ad)   Offer made and accepted.
Michigan St. - galactic chemical evolution theory (w/O'Shea; ad) Offer made and accepted.
Michigan St. - Observational (w/ Strader; ad) happily accepted.
MIT - Center for Theoretical Physics Offer made to Tim Linden (declined)
MIT - Torres Fellowship for Research on Exoplanets (ad) Offer made to Zach Berta
MIT - Pappalardo Fellowship Bob Penna, Gwen Rudie (declined). Rejection e-mails sent.
MoCA/Monash University (stellar 5yr faculty) Some letters requested, long short list made (4/17).  Short list includuing Rob izzard, Bernhard Muller, Tony Piro.  Offer made to Tony Piro (7/25). Offer made to Bernhard Mueller (10/5).
MPA Fellowships in Astrophysics 295 applicants. Ali Rahmati, Yannick Bahe, Stephen Feeney, Chiara Spiniello. Some rejection e-mails sent (1/28).
MPA Postdoc in High Energy Astrophsyics (w/ Sunyaev, Churazov, and Gilfanov) (ad) Mike Anderson
MPE Postdoctoral Position in Physics of Extragalactic Star Formation (ad) Shorlist made, including David Rebolledo
MPE Postdoc in Circumburst and Host Galaxy Properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts (w/Schady)  
MPE Postdoc in Infrared/Submillimeter Astronomy (ad)  
MPIA Postdocs in Cosmology & Galaxies (ad) Annalisa Pillepich (declined), Pascal Oesch (declined), Fuyan Bian (declined). Some on wait-list notified
MPIA postdocs in star and planet formation One offer accepted
TU Munich - Junior Research Group leader (ad)  
NASA Postdoctoral Program (ad) Eileen Meyer (Goddard - declined), Chun Ly (Goddard), Jonathan Trump (declined), Kristin Kulas (Ames), Brendan Bowler (declined), Antonino Cucchiara (Goddard), Christopher Stark (Goddard), Lauren Porter (Goddard), Lynnae Quick (Goddard), Tyler Robinson (Ames), Eric Murphy (JPL - declined), Daniel Cunnane (JPL), Manos Chatzopoulos (Goddard - declined), Francisco Muller-Sanchez (Goddard - declined), Elizabeth Rivers (Goddard - declined).  
Rejection e-mails sent out. NPP/Astrobiology: 5 positions, first offers all made; if you didn't receive a rejection, you're on the wait-list.
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Chile Observatory - Tokyo and Chile (ad)   
National Observatory of Athens, X-ray Astronomy Position (ad)   Nikos Nikoloudakis
National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Joint ALMA Obsy Fellowship (ad) Offers made, some accepted.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory - North American ALMA Science Center (ad) Offer made (1/29) and accepted.  Final rejections sent (2/19).
New York University Physics Dept. James Arthur Postdoctoral Positions in Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Particle Theory (ad) Two offers (1 astro, 1 particle theory) made. Both accepted.
Niels Bohr International Academy, Niels Bohr Institute (ad) Offer made. Shortlist made including Hotaka Shiokawa
NOAO Postdoctoral fellowship (ad) Interviews completed. Rejection letters sent.
NORDITA - Solar physics (w/ Brandenburg; ad)  
Northern Arizona University (w/ Trilling; ad)  
Northwestern University - CIERA Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Selma de Mink (declined), Laura Fissel. Rejection notices sent (2/22).
Northwestern University - Lindheimer Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Offer made to Nicholas Stone (declined). Rejection notices sent.
Northwestern University - Postdoctoral Positions in Astronomy and Astrophysics (ad) Any news? no offers this year
Notre Dame in Experimental Astrophysics (postdoc) with J. Crepp  
Notre Dame in Computational Astrophysics (ad Offer made to Hotaka Shiokawa (declined)
NOVA Fellowships Kate Rubin (declined), Pascal Oesch (declined), Yannick Bahe (declined). Shortlist includes Chun Ly. Only one offer? Two offers: one from Leiden, one from Groningen.
NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (ad) Ashley Zauderer (Harvard), Amanda Heiderman (UVa/NRAO), Betsy Mills (declined), Gwen Rudie (declined), Kelly Denney, Aaron Geller (Northwestern), Jeffrey Silverman (UT Austin), Rachel Bezanson (declined), Jonathan Pober (UW) , Daniel Grin (U Chicago, accepted), Tyler Robinson (declined), Tom Essinger-Hileman (JHU), Janet Colucci (UCSC). Some waitlist and rejection emails sent.
NWO Vidi Grants (ad) Offers made to Alessandro Patruno, Jason Hessels, Nanda Rea
Ohio State University (CCAPP) - Postdoctoral Fellows (ad) Laura Watkins (declined), Jonathan Blazek, Manos Chatzopoulos (declined), Adi Zolotov, Hee-Jong Seo, Andrew Wetzel (declined)
The Open University - Research Investment Fellowship in Astronomy (ad) 44 applicants for 2 positions; shortlist interviews held Jan 14/15; rejection e-mails sent
The Open University - Research Investment Fellowship in Planetary Sciences (ad)  
Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University - Postdoctoral positions in Cosmoparticle Physics (ad) Tim Linden (declined), Markus Kromer
Oxford University - w/Steve Balbus (ad) Any news?
Oxford University - Theoretical Cosmology post-doc with Ferreira/Dunkley (ad) Offer accepted
Oxford University - Lensing cosmology post-doc with Miller/Dunkley/Ferreira (ad) Niraj Welikala
Oxford University - James Martin fellowship (ad) Offer accepted
Oxford University - Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Advanced Data Analysis for Exoplanets with S. Aigrain (ad) Rejection e-mails sent
Oxford University - Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Extragalactic Astronomy (VIDEO) with M. Jarvis (ad) Boris Häußler
Oxford University - Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Supernovae and other Time Domain Astronomy with Euclid (w/Hook ad) References requested
Peking University - Postdoctoral Position in Galaxy Evolution and Stellar Populations (w/Peng; ad)  
Penn State - Postdoctoral Scholar, Active Galaxies and Cosmic Surveys (ad) Offer accepted
Penn State - Postdoctoral Scholar, Supermassive Binary Black Holes (w/ Eracleous; ad) Jessie Runnoe (2/5).
Penn State - Postdoctoral Scholar, Stellar and Exoplanetary Astrophysics and SETI (ad) Offer made. (accepted? waitlist?)
Penn State - Postdoctoral Scholar, Experimental Particle Astrophysics with IceCube (ad) Shortlist in progress.
Penn State - 1 year lecturer (ad) Some Skype interviews conducted week of December 10th
Penn State - Extrasolar Planets (ad) Any news?
Perimeter Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Vera Gluscevic (declined), Stephen Feeney.
Poincaré Fellowship (ad) Offer made to Kaveh Pahlevan
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile -
Postdoctral Research in NIR Imaging and Spectroscopic Surveys (w/ Bauer; ad)
Offer accepted.
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile -
Postdoctral Research in Active Galaxies and Cosmic Surveys related to NuSTAR (w/ Bauer; ad)
Offer accepted (2/9).
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile – ALMA-related Numerical Astrophysics (w/ Cuadra) Offer accepted.
Purdue High Energy Astrophysics (ad) Shortlist in Progress. Some Skype interviews scheduled.
Princeton Center for Theoretical Science Offers made December 12, rejection emails sent
Princeton University - Astrophysical Sciences (w/J. Goodman & H. Ji) (ad)  
Princeton University - Astrophysical Sciences (Plasma Astrophysics Position) Shortlist made, including Kuo-Chuan Pan
Princeton University - Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow (ad) Gwen Rudie, Andrew Newman
Princeton University - Lyman P. Spitzer Jr. Postdoctoral fellowship Javiera Guedes,  Selma de Mink (after Einstein), Benoît Cerutti. Some rejection letters sent (1/17). Joint Astro/Geo postdoc created on basis of Spitzer application and offered (with Harry Hess Fellowship) to Edwin Kite.
Princeton University - Theoretical HEP & Cosmology (ad) No cosmology offer to be made (HEP only)
Queen Mary, University of London (ad) Shortlist made
Radboud University GW position (ad) Offer accepted
RAS Fellowship (ad) Richard Parker
Rochester Institute of Technology - theoretical or computational astrophysics (ad)  
Royal Society University Research Fellowships, URFs (ad) Invitations to April interviews sent (18/3) including Caitlin Casey. Offers made (9/5): includes Jim Geach and Diego Altamirano
Sagan Fellowship (ad) 5 positions: Avi Shporer, Katja Poppenhaeger, Rebekah Dawson (declined), Jake Simon. Oversubscription rate 15.8 to 1. Rejections sent 1/16.
Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) in Pisa w/ Mesinger (ad) Shortlist includes Ali Rahmati (withdrawn)
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory - Postdoctoral Fellowships (ad) Duane Lee (1/30), Emma Small
Southampton - neutron star physics (ad) Shortlist made; rejections sent (3/5); offer made and accepted.
St Andrews (ad) One offer made to Cara Battersby (declined). Rejections sent 1/23. Shortlist includes Martin Huarte-Espinosa.
St. Andrews - with V. Wild(ad) Some interviews scheduled for 20th & 21st of February.
Stanford University-Petrosian Group (ad) Rejections Sent. Position filled.
Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre (w/ Brandekar; ad) Ben de Vries
STFC Rutherford Fellowships (ad) Shortlist made, includes Alessandro Patruno. Rejections sent 1/24. Some offers made.
STScI (w/ Lotz) Offer made (2/15) to Gregory Snyder. Rejections sent.
STScI (w/ van der Marel & Anderson; ad) Laura WatkinsMario Soto.
STScI (w/ van der Marel & Sabbi) Michele Cignoni.
STScI (w/ Kalirai & Goudfrooij) (ad) Matteo Correnti
Subaru Project Research Fellowship (ad) Chun Ly (declined)
Surrey  Noelia Noel 
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne–Galaxy Evolution (w/Glazebrook; ad Position filled.
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne – Galaxy Evolution (w/Couch; ad  
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne–Early Galaxy Astrophysics (w/ Murphy; ad) Neil Crighton
Texas A&M-Commerce - Numerical Astrophysics, Cataclysmic Variables (w/ Wood; ad) Offer made.
Texas Tech University - Time Domain or Extragalactic Astrophysics (w/ Sand; ad) Jerod Parrent
Texas Tech University - Compact Objects and/or Stellar Dynamics (w/Maccarone; ad) Offer made. 35 applicants.
AstroTech postdoctoral position in the Technion (ad) Due Mar 1; late applications will be considered until all positions are filled.
Transregio TR33 Bonn-Heidelberg-Munich  
Tufts University - Postdoc in Observational Cosmology/Galaxy Evolutiuon (ad) Offer made to Markos Trichas (declined). Shortlist includes Diego Capozzi, Markos Trichas, Antonino Cucchiara. Offer accepted
University of Arizona (w/ Apai) (ad)  
University of Arizona (w/ Pascucci) (ad)  
University of Birmingham - 2 Postdoctoral positions in Extragalactic Astropysics and Cosmology (w/Ponman; ad

Shortlist includes: Diego Capozzi

University of Birmingham — Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (w/ Vecchio & Mandel) Christopher Berry
University of Birmingham, Tests of GR (w/ Mandel) Walter Del Pozzo
University of Bristol Planetary Astrophysics Postdoc (w/Leinhardt) (ad) Shortlist: Amy Bonsor, Philip Breen, Alan Jackson, Matthieu Laneuville. Offer to Amy Bonsor.
UC Berkeley Miller Fellowship (ad) Blake Sherwin (+BCCP), Rebekah Dawson, Andrew Newman (declined), Gwen Rudie (declined). Rejection e-mails sent.
UC Berkeley BCCP Fellowship (ad) Kiyoshi Masui (declined), Offer accepted. Some rejections sent 2/26.
UC Berkeley TAC Fellowship (ad) Shortlist includes Kiyoshi Masui, Athena Stacy, Ben Brown.
rejection emails sent
UC Berkeley - Postdoc in High Contrast Imaging and Exoplanet Research (ad) Rejection emails sent.
UC Davis Theoretical Cosmology (ad) position filled (according to status update on AJO)
UC Davis (w Bradac, ad) Shortlist includes Tim Weinzirl.
UC San Diego (w/ Keres; ad) Sasha Muratov (02/17), Andrew Wetzel (declined), Ali Rahmati.
UC Santa Barbara (w/ Crystal Martin; ad) Offer made to Maryam Shirazi, Joo Heon Yoon
UC Santa Barbara (w/ Peng Oh; ad) Ali Rahmati, Eli Visbal (declined).
UC Santa Barbara (w/ Treu; ad) Offer made to Adriano Agnello. Waitlist notified. Shortlist includes Will Dawson, Roberto Assef, Benny Trakhtenbrot.
UC Santa Cruz (w/ Garaud & Fortney; ad) Shortlist includes Kuo-Chuan Pan.  Offer made to Kevin Moore
UC Santa Cruz (w/ Brodie; ad) Joel Roediger
UC Irvine McCue Fellowship Caitlin Casey, Sarah Miller (joint with Chancellor's Fellowship)
UC Irvine Fermi-LAT (ad)  
UC Irvine X-ray (ad)  
University College London, 5 postdoc positions in cosmology (ad) Nina Roth (w/ Peiris),  another offer (w/ Peiris) accepted.
All other offers accepted (2/14). Short list includes Dan Grin.
University of Chicago, KICP Postdoctoral Research Fellow (ad) Tim LindenChris Sheehy, Austin Joyce (joint Fermi/McCormick)
University of Chicago, Fermi Fellowship (ad) Manos ChatzopoulosAustin Joyce (joint KICP)
University of Colorado-Boulder w/ Comerford (ad) Offer made and accepted
University of Colorado-Boulder (Exoplanets w/ Desert) (ad) Offer made and accepted.  
University of Crete (postdoc in optical polarimetry of blazars and the ISM) (ad) Dmitry Blinov
University of Edinburgh (w/ Andy Taylor) Shortlist made
University of Exeter position in the ISM / Star Formation (ad) Shorlist made, including David Rebolledo
University of Exeter, 2 postdocs (w/ Baraffe; ad)  
University of Geneva (w/ Audard) (ad) Offer accepted.
University of Geneva (ad) Offers accepted.
University of Georgia (w/Shelton) (ad) Hyosun Kim (declined).
University of Hawaii (ad) Some interviews conducted. Shortlist includes Adam Becker. Offer made and accepted.
University of KwaZulu-Natal Radio (ad) Some rejections sent. At least one offer made (declined 2/16).
University of KwaZulu-Natal Astrophysics (ad) Offer made
University of KwaZulu-Natal Theory/Obs (ad)  
University of Manchester (w/ Michael Brown) Offer made (declined 1/26)
University of Manchester (w/ Clive Dickinson) Offer made to Matthew Stevenson (declined)
University of Mississippi - Gravitational-wave astronomy (ad) Offer accepted. Shortlist includes Eliu Huerta.
University of Minnesota with Scarlata (ad) Some interviews scheduled
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 3-year lecturer (ad)

Offer made to Adam Jensen

University of Oklahoma (w/ Wisniewski; ad) Jamie Lomax
University of Oslo (w/ Eriksen) Offer made
University of Oulu (w/ Schmidt; ad) Offer made to Mark Booth (declined)
University of Pennsylvania (w/ Bernstein; ad) Offer made
University of Pittsburgh - Samuel Langley PITT-PACC Fellowship  Adi Zolotov (declined). Offer made and accepted.
University of Surrey (ad) Vincent Henault-Brunet
University of Sydney - Postdoc/Fellow in Galaxy Evolution and IFU's (w/ Croom; ad)  
University of Sydney - SSimPL PDRA in Computational Cosmology (w/ Lewis; ad) Offer made to Pascal Elahi.
University of Texas at Austin -  Theoretical Cosmology and Astrophysics (w/ Shapiro; ad)  
University of Texas at Austin - Harlan J. Smith Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Andrew Mann, some rejections sent.
University of Texas at Austin - Postdoc in High-z Galaxy Evolution (w/ Finkelstein; ad) Rachael Livermore. 53 applications received, 8 candidates interviewed.
University of Toledo (w/ Cushing) 2 positions. Shortlist made.
University of Utah (w/ Zheng; ad)  
University of Virginia (w/ Kallivayalil; ad) Tobias K. Fritz
University of Virginia (w/ APOGEE ad) Shortlist made. Interviews conducted.
University of Waterloo (w/Afshordi & Hudson; ad)  
Wesleyan (w/ Hughes; ad)  
University of Wisconsin (Grainger Fellowship) Aleks Diamond-Stanic. 200 applicants. Rejections sent on Jan 23, Feb 4.
University of Wisconsin (w/ Stanimirovic) Robert Lindner
University of Wyoming - Postdoc in Planet Formation Theory (w/ Jang-Condell; ad) Offer made to Diego Munoz (declined)
USRA-SOFIA Visiting Postdoctoral Scientist (ad) Ryan Hamilton
West Virginia University (w/ McWilliams) (ad) Eliu Huerta, Fan Zhang
Yale University / Universidad de Chile position in star formation (ad) Shortlist made including Katherine Lee, Umut Yildiz, Jason Ybarra
YCAA Postdoctoral Prize Fellowship (ad) Rebekah Dawson (declined), Andrew Newman (declined), Gwen Rudie (declined), Pascal Oesch


Page last modified on Saturday 19 of October, 2013 16:22:56 EDT