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Tenure Track Faculty Positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
Academia Sinica (ad) Due 25 January 2014. Applications are still under review. No decisions made yet.
Aix-Marseille University (ad) Matthew Pieri
SUNY Albany (ad) Shortlist made, includes Mark Wyman, Matthew Szydagis. Offer made to Matthew Szydagis.
SUNY Oneonta (ad) Applications open now (May 12) for a short time. 
Amherst College (ad) due Nov 15, 2013; interviews being scheduled. Shortlist includes: Jessica Werk, Daryl Haggard, Alison Crocker, and Aleks Diamond-Stanic. Offer made to Daryl Haggard and Nick Cowan.
Amsterdam, 2 positions (ad) due May 15 2014. Interview dates are 06/30, 07/02, 07/03, 07/09 2014. Candidates contacted. Some rejection letters send. At least some shortlist candidates notified. Shortlist includes: Thomas Janka, Yamila Miguel, Sascha Quanz, Amaury Triaud, Jayne Birkby, Jean-Michel Desert
Universidad Andres Bello (ad) Interviews being scheduled. Shortlist includes Mederic Boquien.
University of Arizona (Theoretical Astrophysics, ad) Review begins December 2013; no hard deadline; some rejections sent; some reference letters requested.  Shortlist includes Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins, James Owen, Rebecca Martin, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Sean Couch.
University of Arizona (Experimental Particle Astrophysics or Experimental Cosmology, ad) due Dec 15, 2013; Shortlist includes: Matthew Szydagis, Bradford Benson, Eduardo Rozo.
Arkansas Tech University Offer made to Amber Sierra
University of Birmingham, UK Shortlist made. Boilerplate rejection letter sent. Interviews being scheduled. Offers made to Sean McGee and Nicolas Smith-Lefebvre.
Boise State (ad) Due Dec 31 2013; Phone interviews scheduled, including David Syphers and Eric Thrane. Shortlist includes David Syphers. Offer made to Brian Jackson (3/10).
Cal Poly Pomona (ad)   Offer made to Jorge Moreno
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Offers made to Steve Drasco and others
Caltech (ad) ! Mansi Kasliwal and Evan Kirby and Dimitri Mawet !
Caltech (planetary science) Some interviews scheduled, including Alyssa Rhoden.
University of Central Florida (planetary science, ad)

1-2 positions, junior or senior, related broadly to surfaces of asteroids, the moon, and planets/exoplanets, including regoliths, microgravity, impacts, orbits, theory, observation, instruments. Some letters solicited, search still open. 

any news? Phil Metzger, Gal Sarid

Clemson University Offer made to Marco Ajello
CNAP, France John Carter, Mickael Coriat, Orlagh Creevey, Benjamin Godard, Sophie Masson, Ada Nebot Gomez-Moran
CNRS, France

CR2: Fabio ACERO (AIM), Nathalie YSARD (IAS), Mickaël BONNEFOY (IPAG), Aurélie GUILBERT-LEPOUTRE (UTINAM). CR1: Yohan DUBOIS (IAP). DR2: Guillaume Dubus, Bertrand Lefloch, Marc Antoine Miville-Deschênes, Franck Selsis, Olivier Forni, Delphine Porquet, Alexandre Marcowith, Karine Issautier

Colby College Offer made to Dale Kocevski
College of Southern Nevada (ad) Planetarium manager. Apply by March 16, 2014.
College of Southern Nevada (ad)

Full-time, tenure track astronomy/physics instructor. Applications accepted until the position is filled for faculty position. Apply by March 14, 2014, for full consideration. Short list made, interviews being scheduled (almost).

CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College (ad) (CUNY Job ID: 9284). For more information contact bmckernan or sford AT amnh.org First-round interviews being scheduled.
CUNY-Bronx Community College (ad, Job ID 9905) Due Feb 28.
CUNY-City Tech (ad, Job ID 9894) Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  Review of resumes will begin 1/28/14.
CUNY-Hunter College (ad, Job ID 9985) The committee will begin reviewing applications on February 10, 2014. The search will remain open until the position is filled.
Universidad de Chile (ad) offer made to Guillermo Blanc
Universidad de Chile (ad) two offers made

The University of Chicago (Astrophysics, ad)

Shortlist of 7, includes George Becker, Laura Lopez, Adam Leroy, Jo Bovy. Offer made to Charlie Conroy (declined).

The University of Chicago (Gravity/Cosmo) Shortlist includes Sam Gralla, Kurt Hinterbichler, Marilena LoVerde, Vasileios Paschalidis, Rafael Porto, Aron Wall
Universidad de Concepción (Senior Professor) Offer made to Brad Gibson (Feb 3, declined).
Universidad de Concepción (Tenure-Track, ad) Reference letters requested (Feb 18). Offer made.
Curtin University (senior lecturer astronomy, ad) due Jan 13, 2014. Shortlist made, interviews being scheduled, some rejections sent. Shortlist includes Jean-Pierre Macquart, James Miller-Jones, Nick Seymour.
University College Dublin, UCD School of Physics, Dublin, Ireland (EU) (ad1, ad2) Lecturer (Asst Prof, permanent, full time) in Astrophysics and Space Science. Closing date *April 11, 2014*. Interviews to be held during the week of May 5-9, 2014.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 3 positions) offers made to Thiago S Goncalves (extragalactic, obs. cosmology), Adrian Rodriguez Colucci (celestial mechanics), Wladimir Lyra (planetary, ISM, astrochemistry -- declined).
Florida Atlantic University (2 positions, ad)  
Florida Institute of Technology (Space Physics, ad) due Jan 1, 2014. Offer made to Ofer Cohen.
Florida Institute of Technology (Star/Planet Formation, ad) Skype interviews being scheduled, including Wlad Lyra.
Georgia Southern University Offered to Jeyhan Kartaltepe (declined). Position is closed.
Georgia State (astroinformatics/exoplanet/stellar, ad)  
Georgia Tech (observational/experimental; ad) due Dec. 1, 2013; shortlist made
Grinnell College (physics; ad) Charlotte Christensen
University of Hull, UK Interviews held, shortlist of 9 including Richard Bielby & Kevin Pimbblet.
Harvard University (ad) Shortlist of 6 made, including Caitlin Casey, Kate Rubin, Pascal Oesch, Charlie Conroy; interviews scheduled. Offers made: Charlie Conroy, Mariska Kriek
Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos (ad) Offer made to Manuela Vecchi
Johns Hopkins University (data intensive astrophysics, ad) due Jan 1, 2014. Interviews being scheduled. Shortlist includes Josh Peek, Cora Dvorkin, Tamas Budavari, Matt Turk
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University

shortlist made. Rejection letters sent.

Offers made to Linhua Jiang and Yue Shen.

University of Kent, 2 positions (ad) due Apr 6, 2014. Interviews to be held on Apr 30, 2014. Shortlist includes Katja Poppenhaeger, Penny Wozniakiewicz, Dmitry Sokolov, Aglae Kellerer. Offer made to Katja Poppenhaeger (declined).
University of KwaZulu-Natal (ad) due Dec 1, 2013
KU Leuven (ad) due May 22, 2014. Shortlist includes Katja Poppenhaeger.
Macquarie Univ. / CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (joint ongoing position in astrophysics, ad)

Some interviews scheduled including Josh Peek

Some rejections sent (2/26)

Offers made to Josh Peek, Jo Dawson

University of Manchester (ad) Interviews 7/8 July, 2014. Shortlist: Filipe Abdalla, Anna Bonaldi, Rene Breton, Geraint Harker, George Heald, Katie Mack, Garrelt Mellema, Jonathan Pritchard, Mario Santos.
Michigan State University (Physics or astronomy, ad).  Note: job is also open to observational astronomers! due Nov 1, 2013; shortlist of 6 including 3 astronomers; some rejections sent
University of Michgan (joint position in Biophysics and Astronomy, ad) Due Nov 1, 2013
University of Mississippi (ad) Interviews underway
Missouri State University, Springfield (ad) due Dec. 1, 2013; shortlist of 4 made.  Offer made to Peter Plavchan.
MIT (Astrophysics, ad) Target-of-opportunity offer made to Mansi Kasliwal in November (separate from regular search). Shortlist made, including Laura Lopez, Mike McDonald, David Tsang, Sebastiano Cantalupo, Xin Liu. Offer made to Charlie Conroy, declined.
Monash University (Astronomy or Physics, ad) Rejection emails sent (July 18). Offer made to Eric Thrane.
Morehead State University (Tenure Track) (ad) Review of applications begins on March 24th.
Mount Allison University (Tenure Track) Shortlist made (Feb 21). Have all been notified? Incl. Tyler Foster. Skype interviews for most/all shortlisted Feb. 24; 1-2 candidates to be interviewed on campus in march-april. Offer made and accepted.
MPA (Director, ad)

due Sep 15, 2013

MPE Senior Staff (Tenure Track) (ad) long list made (shortlist ?).
Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas (ad)

Shortlist includes: Marcelo Alvarez, Kayhan Gultekin, Raffaella Margutti, Rebecca Martin, Ryan Chornock. Offer made to Rebecca Martin.

Newcastle University

due April 22 2014, shortlist includes: Cristiano Germani, interviews held week 19-23 May

University of North Carolina (ad) Shortlist includes Sam Gralla, Chiu Man Ho, John Joseph Carrasco, Tanja Hinderer and at least one more senior person (inferred from seminar schedule).
University of Oklahoma (ad) Shortlist inferred from colloquium schedule: Mark Neyrinck, Vasilis Paschalidis, Nathan Kaib, Jason Dexter, Rodrigo Fernandez
Ohio State University (ad) Interviews scheduled for Feb-Mar. Shortlist includes: Thayne Currie, David Law, Adam Leroy, Laura Lopez, Rebecca Martin, Andrew Skemer. Offers made to Laura Lopez and Adam Leroy.
Ohio University (ad) Shortlist includes Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Sharon Meidt, and Ryan Chornock. Offer made to Ryan Chornock
Pennsylvania State University (Physics) (ad) Shortlist made, includes: Bradford Benson, Kohta Murase, Karen Gibson.  Offers made and accepted: Kohta Murase (joint w. Astronomy & Astrophysics) and Bradford Benson.
Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute (particle astrophysics) (ad) due Oct 20, 2013; Offer made and accepted.
Rice University (star/planet formation) (ad) Long and short-list made, some rejections sent. Interviews being scheduled (1/31); short list includes Jason Steffen, John Tobin. Offer made to Andrea Isella.
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (ad), (2012-2013 search) Decisions were delayed.  Offer made to Chun Ly (declined)
Southampton (ad) Shortlist drawn up and selected candidates invited to interview at the end of March (2/26). Rejection letters sent.  Shortlist includes: Rodrigo Fernandez; Adam Hill; Simone Scaringi. Interviews held Mar 24/25. Offers made and accepted (including Gandhi, Hoenig).
Stony Brook (Observational Astronomy) (ad)

Invitations sent, interviews scheduled, including Carrie Bridge, Jonathan Foster, Jens Kauffmann, Jan Forbrich, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, and Jackie Faherty. 'Letters of regret' sent out. Offer made to Carrie Bridge.

Stony Brook (Cosmology - 2 positions, theory and observation) (ad) Shortlist made. Invitations sent. Theory list appears to include Marilena LoVerde, Rafael Porto, Jaiyul Yoo (from seminar schedule).  Offers made to Marilena LoVerde and Anja von der Linden.
STScI (ad)

Shortlist made.  In person interviews in progress. Offers made to Josh Peek, Molly Peeples, Nikole Lewis, George Becker, David Law, Joel Green. Other offers pending.

University of Surrey (ad) due Apr 30, 2014. Some rejection letters sent by email advising that candidates had not been shortlisted (May 10). More rejection letters sent on May 22. Shortlist of 5 includes Sean Farrell. Second round interviews took place on 19th/20th June. Offer made and accepted.
Texas A&M University (2 positions) (ad) about 200 applications received, initial review underway (1/22). Reference letters requested (1/30), phone interviews underway (3/7). Some rejections sent (3/26).  Campus visits scheduled, including Wenjuan Fang (3/28). Offers made.
Texas A&M University - Mitchell Institute Director (ad) due Jan 1, 2014
Texas A&M University-Commerce (ad) Offer made to Robynne Lock
Texas Christian University (ad) due Feb 1, 2014; some reference letters requested (2/10), some rejections sent (3/1). Offer made to Kat Barger
Texas Tech University (ad) due Dec 1, 2013; long list made, official notice soon to come; some rejections sent; Offer made to Daryl Haggard (declined).
UCLA theoretical/computational plasma physics (ad) Shortlist made.
UCR Theoretical Studies of the Early Universe (ad) Shortlist includes Laura Sales, Ben Oppenheimer, Robert Feldmann, Andrew Wetzel, Chris Hayward. Offer made to Laura Sales.
UCSB theoretical astrophysics or high-energy physics (ad) due Nov 20, 2013; Shortlist made, includes Jo Bovy, Robert Feldmann, Matthew Kunz, Ruth Murray-Clay, and two high-energy candidates. Offer made to Nathaniel Craig (HEP), Ruth Murray-Clay
UCSC Planetary (ad) Shortlist: Matija Cuk, Joseph Michalski, Jonathan Mitchell, Kevin Walsh, Xi Zhang. Offer made.
UCSD Astrophysics/Astronomy (ad) Shortlist: Karin Sandstrom, Laura Lopez, Sarah Miller, Kate Rubin, Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins. Ranked list made. Offers made to Karin Sandstrom and Quinn Konopacky.
UCSD Experimental Astrophysics (ad) Shortlist made, includes: Bradford Benson, Roger O'Brient, Naoko Neilson. Offer made to Shelley Wright.
University of Colorado, Boulder (Solar Physics) (ad) shortlist includes: Paul Cassak, Steven Cranmer, Wei Liu, Savita Mathur, Franco Rappazzo, Nicholeen Viall. Offer made to Paul Cassak, declined. Steven Cranmer.
UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brasil, ad) Offer made to Alan Brito
UNAM - Instituto de Astronomía  (Mexico City, Mexico, ad) One or two junior position(s): shortlist made. Interviews underway. Offers expected in 2-3 weeks. Offer made to Maritza A. Lara-Lopez (6 March), 2nd Offer made and accepted (3/14), Yilen Gomez Maqueo Chew (5 March).
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Observational Cosmology) (ad) due Dec 1, 2013. Shortlist includes: Bradford Benson, Jeffrey Filippini, Marcelle Soares-Santos.  Offer to Bradford Benson, Jeffrey Filippini, Ryan Foley.
University Paris 6 (Euclid position,
Rejection letters sent. Shortlist includes: Aurelien Benoit-Levy
Universidade de Sao Paulo (Instituto de Astronomia) Offer made to Rodrigo Nemmen
University of Tampa (ad) due Jan 1, 2014 (Nov 30 deadline on JR is incorrect); Offer made and accepted. 
University of Texas at Austin Caitlin Casey (starting Fall 2015)
University of Toronto (ad) Some Skype interviews scheduled; shortlist made, including Jo Bovy, Laura Lopez, Adam Muzzin, Stijn Wuyts. Campus visits ongoing. Offers made.
University of Valparaíso (Chile, ad) Shortlist made, including Mederic Boquien
University of Virginia theoretical astrophysics (ad) shortlist includes: Shane Davis, Joshua Dolence, Matthew Kunz, Emily Rauscher, Kevin Schlaufman. Offer made to Shane Davis
UVa Chemistry/Astronomy (ad) due Oct 31, 2013. Interviews mid-Jan to late Feb. Shortlist of six: Stefan Andersson, Kyle Crabtree, Rob Garrod, Sergio Ioppolo, Ruud Visser, Nadine Wehres. Offer made to Rob Garrod (April 11).
Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) Offer made to Steve Curran, 30th May 2014
Virginia Tech (Cosmology) (ad) Shortlist made, including Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Kurt Hinterbichler, Carrie Bridge, Shunsaku Horiuchi,  Jean-Luc Lehners. Offer made to Carrie Bridge (declined), Shunsaku Horiuchi
University of Washington (LSST) (ad) Due April 15, 2014
Western Washington University (ad) One offer made and accepted.
UC Berkeley Astroparticle (ad) due Nov 8, 2013; Short list includes Blair Edwards, Jeffrey Filippini, Hugh Lippincott, Karen Gibson; Offer to senior candidate
Uppsala University, Senior Lecturer Shortlist made. Remo Collet, Bernd Freytag, Friedrich Kupka, Wladimir Lyra. External committee ranked Kupka, Lyra, Collet, Freytag. Position cancelled for lack of funding. No offer made.
Uppsala University, 10 positions in any science/technology (ad) Offers to Pat Scott, Erik Zackrisson
York University Tier 2 CRC in theoretical cosmology/particle physics (ad) due Dec 10, 2013; Shortlist includes Brian Batell


Science Staff and Management Positions 

Place/Institution (alphabetical) People (in boldface if accepted)
AURA, President (ad) due by 1 May 2014
ESO, Director for Science offer made, Council approval sought; Rob Ivison appointed
LCO Director short list includes Dante Minniti
University of Hawaii (Manoa), Researcher (ad) position cancelled
Paris Observatory, Director LERMA2 invited for interviews: M. Gerin, D. Lis, R. Mauersberger
Space Science Institute, Executive Director (http://www.spacescience.org) due end of Jan 2014. Offer made.
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) Exoplanet Archive Scientist (ad) due July 1, 2014,
NCSA, Research Scientist (ad) due January 31, 2014.
Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Directior (ad) Karl Glazebrook appointed Jan 2014.


Faculty Shuffle

People (alphabetical) Old Institution New Institution
Kevin Huffenberger University of Miami Florida State
Ray Jayawardhana University of Toronto York University (Dean of Science)
Lisa Kaltenegger MPIA Cornell
Davide Lazzati NCSU Oregon State
Rosalba Perna University of Colorado - Boulder SUNY - Stony Brook
Kevin Pimbblet Monash (Australia) Hull (England)
Sarah Dodson-Robinson University of Texas-Austin University of Delaware
Dale Kocevski University of Kentucky Colby College
Rob Fender University of Southampton University of Oxford
Marc Seigar University of Arkansas Little Rock University of Minnesota Duluth (Head of Physics)
Steve Drasco Grinnell College Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Charlie Conroy UCSC Harvard
Laura Cadonati UMass - Amherst Georgia Tech
Bryan Gaensler University of Sydney Dunlap Institute (Director), Univ. of Toronto
Maria Lugaro Monash University  Budapest (Momentum Fellowship)
Shelley Wright University of Toronto UC San Diego
Dante Minitti PUC Chile Universidad Andres Bello
Tim Beers NOAO University of Notre Dame

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Page last modified on Thursday 28 of May, 2015 19:42:22 EDT